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I am a physics and maths major from australia who really likes square enix and fromsoft titles a little too much. Hoping to become a cosmologist/astrophysicist.
Using this website to list games I found to be of some arbitrary quality tending towards "good"

  • Antichamber - still to date my favourite non-euclidean puzzle adventures. Though it is a more traditional puzzle game, it's unique four dimensional map makes every simple task a challenge, as you reprogram your brain to visualise something we were not entirely programmed for.
  • Transistor - An example of simple but effective true scifi: taking ideas about technological, cultural and scientific advancements to their natural extreme to cast predictions on the nature of society and humanity's future
  • Prey (2017) - not only does it reflect the global culture of a research environment with a diverse cast, but also it's entire art direction is centered around neurons and quantum physical concepts - and they really made sure they understood what they were writing about before writing it.
  • Bioshock Infinite - The Lutece Twins are both the comedic and introspective narrative instruments for introducing and guiding us through the quantum ideas integral to Bioshock Infinite's (and the Bioshock franchise as a whole) story, but I certainly felt like the writers read the Wikipedia article on the topic and picked what looked cool. Also, it's racist!
  • HackNet - while real life coding is nothing like playing revolutionary (at least in my experience - I have data to process for hours instead), the feeling of screwing over your rivals in an internet network hacking simulation is exhilarating (I also seem to remember hacking a document about my own university from real life in game, which was hilarious). Worth picking up on a steam sale for a weekend's worth of problem solving fun, especially if you're new to coding. Old coders might find it a bit limiting, as your list of functions and such is limited.
  • More to come when I think of them and get bored enough to write more
  • And of course, the usual Kerbal Space Program, Moonbase Alpha, Rocket League, and other physics sandbox games.
aug 9 2017 ∞
aug 9 2017 +