• widows and orphans

Widows and orphans create awkward rags, interrupt the reader’s flow and impair readability. They can be avoided by adjusting the type size, leading, measure, word spacing and letter spacing or by entering manual line breaks.

  • hanging punctuation

Indenting bullets can disrupt the flow of text. With hanging punctuation, text and quotes are highlighted and appear more sophisticated and legible. In your CSS, make sure to hang the punctuation outside of the margin of the body text. For pull quotes, give the CSS text-indent property a negative value (which will depend, of course, on the font size).

For the same effect with ordered or unordered lists, use the list-style-position property to push bullets outside the left rung. ul, ol { list-style-position: outside; } Indented lists can also serve as calls to action as people skim the page. If you do use an indent, make sure you do it deliberately, for a specific purpose.

  • clean rags and hyphenation

avoid hyphenation and keep the uneven (right) side of the text balanced

  • em dash

If you need to interrupt yourself, do it with an em dash (—) instead of a pair of hyphens (--).

  • dumb quotes
  • text as UI
  • pull quotes
  • block quotes
  • hyphens
  • ellipses

To indicate missing words in a quotation or a thought that trails off, use an ellipsis (…) instead of three consequent periods.

may 10 2016 ∞
mar 22 2017 +