• more or less sustain emotional stability (e.g. establish a med regimen that works as well as possible, set goals to work towards and achieve said goals, overcome traumas, et cetera)
  • develop healthful decision-making skills
  • implement an assertive mindset & attitude
  • establish and sustain financial stability (e.g. put a definite end to my compulsive spending, further develop my craft business & sell things, get well enough and recognize when I am well enough to work a salary job, et cetera)
  • learn how to drive and obtain a driver's license
  • participate in or work at a charity, organization, movement, or otherwise, in which I can do what I love and help others / sustain fulfilling work
  • learn how to effectively housekeep and organize and practice it every day
  • regularly implement coping skills & de-stressing activities into my daily routine
  • practice good social health (e.g. establish more healthful interpersonal relationships, set better boundaries more firmly and honestly, et cetera)
  • actively challenge negative thoughts with increasing strength and frequency
  • develop and maintain a healthful diet and exercise routine and lose unhealthful weight
jun 13 2016 ∞
jun 30 2016 +