このやろう (Kono yarou) - Bastard, You shit
くたばれ (Kutabare) - Go to hell, Die, Drop dead
ちくしょう (Chikushou) - Damn it, Shit
あんた最低 (Anta saitei) - You’re the worst, You suck
くそ (Kuso) - Shit, Damn, Fuck
このアマ (Kono ama) - You bitch
ばかやろう (Bakayarou) - Idiot, fool, stupid
あほ (Aho) - Idiot, fool, stupid, moron
ぼけ (Boke) - Stupid, dumb
へたくそ (Hetakuso) - You’re hopeless, You’re lame, Clumsy
ダサい (Dasai) - Uncool, Lame
けち (Kechi) - Stingy
きもい (Kimoi) - Creepy, Gross, Disgusting
きさま (Kisama) - Bastard, Motherfucker, Rude word of “You”
くそくらえ (Kuso kurae) - Fuck off, Eat shit
ばか じゃない の? (Baka ja nai no?) - Are you stupid?, You’re not stupid are you?
うるさい (Urusai) - Shut up
やかましい (Yakamashii) - Shut up
だまれ (Damare) - Shut up, Shut the fuck up
ふざけるな (Fuzakeru na) - Stop joking around, Stop messing around
いい加減にしろ (Ii kagen ni shiro) - Stop messing around, Stop this already
ブス (Busu) - Ugly (mostly referred to women/girls) ブサイク (Busaiku) - Ugly
しんじ まえ (Shinjimae) - Go to hell, Die
どけ (Doke) - Get out of the way, Move out of the way デブ (Debu) - Fat, Fatso, Fatty
こしぬけ (Koshinuke) - Coward
いやらしい (Iyarashii) - Indecent, lewd
あなた は とろい です ね? / あんたとろいな? (Anata wa toroi desu ne? / Anta toroi na?) - You’re really slow, aren’t you? (The first one is much formal while the second one is much more trashy?? But meaning is still the same)