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  • El cielo esta cansado ya de ver la lluvia caer, y cada dia que pasa es uno mas parecido a ayer. No encuentro forma alguna de olvidarte porque seguir amandote es inevitable. (Shakira, Inevitable)
  • Saying yes is how things grow. Saying yes leads to knowledge. “Yes” is for young people. So for as long as you have the strength to, say yes. (Stephen Colbert)
  • [Irony] is like goldy and bronzy, only it's made of iron. (Blackadder)
  • Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth, 'You owe me'. Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. (Hafiz)
  • You have to imagine / a waiting that is not impatient / because it is timeless. (R.S. Thomas)
  • Todo había sido un sueño muy real y muy profundo, tus ojos no tienen dueño porque no son de este mundo. Que no te quiero mirar, pero es que cierro los ojos y hasta te veo por dentro, te veo en un lado y en otro, en cada foto, en cada espejo. (Estopa, Como camarón)
  • Maybe this is the way it is for everybody, only you are weaker, or less lucky, or have seen something they all have not. You have seen that before you lies a great stretch of road, and it is windswept or blasted by the hot sun or covered in snow, or it is dirt or concrete or shrouded in darkness or bright and clear so you have to squint, but no matter what, it is utterly empty. (Nick McDonell, Twelve)
  • Libertad no conozco sino la libertad de estar preso en alguien / cuyo nombre no puedo oír sin escalofríos. (Luis Cernuda)
  • What was the need for all these new roads being dug up everywhere, and these new bridges? What purpose did they serve? What was the advantage of being in Lyon within a week? Who set any store by that? Whom did it profit? Or crossing the Atlantic, racing to America in a month — as if people hadn’t got along without that continent for thousands of years. (Patrick Suskind, Perfume)
  • Really polite people don't seem 'polite'; just kind.
  • If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.
  • Bajo una lluvia fría de polígono, / con un cielo drogado de tormenta / y nubes de extrarradio. // Porque este amor de llaves prestadas nos envuelve / en una intimidad provisional, / paredes que no hacen compañía / y objetos como búhos en la sombra. // Son / las sábanas más tristes de la tierra. / Mira / cómo vive la gente. (Luís Garcia Montero, Diario Cómplice)
  • Only the gods can dwell forever with the Sun. As for the human beings, their days are numbered. And it is no more than blustery weather, no matter what they try to achieve. (Gilgamesh, Tablet II)
  • Se eu lhe contava algum mau sonho nascido das histórias do avô, ela sempre me tranquilizava: «Não faças caso, em sonhos não há firmeza.» (José Saramago, Discursos de Estocolmo)
  • En la cara lleva / tres años perdidos / y el frío de las seis de la mañana. (Luís Garcia Montero, Canción amarga)
  • D'entre totes les estrelles, jo vull estar amb tu. (Txarango, La Dansa Del Vestit)
  • A girà a voto se fatica molto più che a corre. (Luca)
  • Mi spiegò che, non tanto nel film, ma in Bruce Willis e in John McClane, vide d’istinto già dal trailer un archetipo maschile da vecchio cinema, un nuovo classico che rinverdiva per la mia generazione il fascino dei Bullitt e dei Marlowe, dei Callaghan e dei Walker. Figure tutte d’un pezzo, cagnacci determinati che non si abbattono e per quante ne prendono alla fine ce la fanno e hanno sempre una vena ironica, una faccia da schiaffi, una prontezza di spirito indispensabile per incassarle e poi ridarle al momento giusto. (i400calci)
  • We have not touched the stars, / nor are we forgiven, which brings us back / to the hero’s shoulders and the gentleness that comes, / not from the absence of violence, but despite / the abundance of it. (Richard Siken, Crush)
  • Santiago Nasar permaneció todavía un instante apoyado contra la puerta, hasta que vio sus propias vísceras al sol, limpias y azules, y cayó de rodillas. (Gabriel García Márquez, Crónica de una muerte anunciada)
  • And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep. (Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five)
  • He's the kind of guy who walks into a room, and his dick’s been there for two minutes. (Moneyball)
  • There’s rich teams, and there’s poor teams; and then there’s 50 feet of crap, and then there’s us. (Moneyball)
  • I hate losing even more than I want to win. (Moneyball)
  • Your God's a lion recently fed. (DM Stith)
  • D'un amor llarg, com anar al cel i tornar. (Els Pets)
  • Yo tuve un hermano. / No nos vimos nunca pero no importaba. (Julio Cortazar)
  • Voler l'impossible ens cal, i no que mori el desig.
  • L'amore è quella cosa che tu stai da una parte, lui dall'altra, e gli sconosciuti si accorgono che vi amate. (Massimo Troisi)
  • È più facile far saltare i treni che assicurarsi che partano in orario.
  • Ho studiato la letteratura solo per imparare a scrivere fotografie.
oct 1 2012 ∞
apr 15 2015 +