Might change my room up a bit this summer. I'm not really sure yet.
- spray paint w/ stencil words
- lyrics, quotes, etc.
- area of wall w/ pictures, neat (different sections dedicated to different things?)
- ^if so: MCR, Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Fringe, Lady Gaga, etc.
- posters in frames, uncluttered on one wall
- more bulletin boards (w/ rubber bands?)
- hooks/shelves in closet for purses/shoves/scarves etc.
- get rid of desk in closet (possibly move it into my room but probably not, unless I come up with some insane arrangement [desk against brown chair+nightstand?])
- move closet thing to the wall across from the door
- paint closet
- chalkboard paint
- get rid of closet door altogether, whatttt
- replace mirror on wall w/ white board
- glow-in-the-dark paint/glitter for words on wall?
- black light
Maybe I'll go crazy and rearrange EVERYTHING, take everything off the walls, move everything, repaint, change the whole fucking room. I kind of want to paint my walls purple. Or blue. Or red. Or green. They're kind of greenish blue right now and I don't even like this color and I'm not sure why I picked it. What even.