- Get an A in every class (hopefully high-ish A's, but we'll see how it goes).
- Practice playing piano.
- Be more healthy (drink less soda, exercise on occasion, etc.).
- Spend less money.
- Clean room completely, and reorganize it.
- Paint room.
- Practice Rock Band and start playing on Expert for guitar/bass.
- Be exempt from all finals.
- Get enough sleep.
- Hang out with friends more, be more social.
- Go for a walk every weekend.
- Try new things.
- Get my braces off.
- Put some effort into thinking about my future (possible majors, colleges, careers, places to live).
- Finish Assassin's Creed, start and finish Assassin's Creed 2.
- Speak up around strangers (basically, improve social skills).
- Improve my posture.
- Procrastinate less in general.
- Start waking up to an alarm clock instead of my parents.
- Spend time with Noah and Ethan (sleepovers, hockey games, etc.) and be a good cousin for them.
- Be more positive.
- Read all the time like I used to.
Hopefully I won't look at this at the end of the year and say, "Haha, yeah right".