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there's some general opinions i don't want to talk about a thousand times on my twitter so i'll just state them here. if you heavily disagree on these and think i'm disgusting for having them for the love of god don't follow me

  • fiction obviously can influence reality and vice versa but fiction =/= reality. fictional characters are not the same as real people and are not meant to be treated as such. fiction is not to be valued above real actual people. "problematic" content is allowed to be depicted in fiction. people are allowed to like problematic characters and ships.
  • i do enjoy some problematic ship dynamics (including incest, age gaps, abusive dynamics, etc.) i do NOT think they are healthy or should happen irl. i will defend people being allowed to ship what they want, however they want and may talk about some ships occasionally. if you want me to tag please dm me.
  • people use fiction for various reasons and you shouldn't assume they're using it the same way as you. sometimes people ship characters because they see them as the ideal relationship or only engage with happy stories, and that's okay. but not everyone does this all of the time and you can't judge people based on how YOU engage with fiction. sometimes people want to explore unhealthy themes in various ways and that's okay too.
  • lgbt+ themed fiction should be allowed to be flawed just as much as any other story and i dont' think it should be policed as much as it is now in fandom. if you think they have to follow some strict rules to be approvable i do not agree at all.
mar 17 2018 ∞
oct 24 2020 +