• almost done with junior year...where has the time gone?
  • not looking forward to finals but know they've been worse in previous quarters
  • unsure about where my summer is going after camp ends, due to things beyond my control--i hate it when that happens
  • crossing my fingers i'll get to go up to pdx in august/september
  • conflicting desires: work experience vs. hanging out with my sister
  • worried about finding summer subletters...argh
  • concerned that my stomach/digestive system is not just temporarily upset
  • looking forward to seeing my family & friends
  • enjoying long-awaited down time
  • excited for tomorrow...outdoor concerts in wonderful weather, what could be better?
  • mixed feelings about camp: looking forward to being there and seeing everyone, nervous that i won't be good enough, knowing that i've changed a lot over the past year (i think)--who knows what it will be like
  • reflective: wow, it's been quite a year
  • scared about graduating next year--what will my future hold?
may 30 2008 ∞
sep 8 2008 +