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namjoon punches seokjin in the face. twice.

Namjoon, a witch of the earth who sells his wares on the street. Seokjin, the man who makes the best fried squid in town. When these two meet, magic will spark, ducks will be fed, and well, Seokjin literally can't see his food stand anymore.

“Namjoon, you can’t just make Happy Squid invisible. We’ll lose business. And don’t think I don’t know see-me-nots are illegal, because I do.”

Namjoon just shrugs. “Hard to get caught if no one can see it.”

Everybody knew Professor Kim was already married. It was actually the first thing they asked the man during the first day of classes, with one brave student asking the question out loud for everyone to hear. The older man responded with deep dimples and a raised left hand, letting everyone see the plain, silver band glittering on his ring finger.

But, as one Jeon Jungkook found out, they were all completely, terribly wrong.

What? The Professor didn't say he had a wife.

In Case of Emergency (ICE): a program that enables paramedics, police officers, and hospital personnel to contact the next of kin of the owner of a cell phone in order to obtain important medical or support information.

What happens when Seokjin programs the wrong number into his phone and gets into an accident?

“That’s terrible,” Namjoon replied, pitching his voice lower to sound sympathetic. “I’ll be right there.”

The thing is, even if he’s a guy, Jin doesn’t want to be that girl.

The one that stands back and watches as the love of his life enjoys himself with another person, the one who disses the current girlfriend in their mind because she wears high-heels, he wears sneakers, she wears short skirts and he wears t-shirts. He might have known Namjoon the longest, the best, but their relationship doesn’t work like that. Friendship isn’t like that. As his friend Jin only looks after Namjoon’s well-being and happiness, and if Namjoon’s happy and fine, then that’s what matters.

And Jin is happy.

He is.

Namjoon is a record store clerk that Jin sees everywhere he goes. Jin never talks to the man blonde, turned pink-haired man he just admires from afar. But after taking some bad (okay probably good) advice from a wise green-haired friend. The pouty-lipped man discovers his most beautiful moment in life.

Epenthesis A phonological phenomenon in which two disparate sounds meet, creating a third sound between them which wasn't there before.

There were a lot of jobs worse than being partnered with world-renowned Absent-Minded Professor Kim Namjoon, but Professor Kim Seokjin couldn't think of what any of them were at the moment.

Namjoon does homework. Seokjin is a distraction.

At three o'clock in the morning after he'd been working for ten hours straight and everything he touched came out wrong and all his words were stilted and clumsy and all his music was rough and tangled... for some ungodly reason Kim Namjoon opened up a new browser window, typed bangtan sonyeondan fan fiction into the search bar, and then (_god_) hit enter.

In a final, desperate attempt to get Seokjin to notice him, Namjoon dyes his hair pink. However, Seokjin avoids him more than ever and Namjoon doesn't know what he did wrong.

Namjoon didn't expect to run into the TA from his philosophy class at the gay bar Taehyung and Jimin drag him to, he really didn't expect him to look this nice outside of class, and he really, really didn't expect to have a crush on him.

It's going to be an interesting semester.

Kim Namjoon knows he's not the most handsome guy out there. It's just guys talking shit about each other, Jin Hyosang is an asshole, and anything that escapes his mouth is complete bullshit. But it's true though. He's awkward, clumsy, and a complete nerd; no one, not even the most desperate person in the world, will notice him.

Kim Seokjin is having none of that.

You may be a smartass literature teacher but you sure as hell are really oblivious to these very obvious wooing attempts our coworkers are trying au

He was Kim Namjoon, damn it, and he was going to finish what he started and help this perfectly wonderful Christmas dumpee probably get kicked out of his family.

Well, maybe he was Min Yoongi. But still.

r u n c h r a n d a. fuck this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign

~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~ hahahahahahaha wtf

Seokjin spends a lot of time in the library. Now, Namjoon does too. Taemin tries to summon Satan, and Jimin is a fuckboy.

College Namjin au!

Seokjin slips into his life like a breeze on a warm day, and Namjoon doesn't mind. (Domestic!Namjin ft. Baby Kookie)

Seokjin works at Disney Land, Namjoon is a patient older brother and Jungkook loves Mulan.

may 27 2017 ∞
aug 1 2018 +