• dont' forget to take care of yourself, this means you need to do more than just work and study... you need to do something you like/enjoy
  • and don't stop talking with the ppl you love, even if you're sad
  • you've been here before, maybe not like this, but you've been here and you'll succeed again
  • be kind to yourself like you try to be kind to others... you're not less than anyone in this world
  • peace is not something you find, is something you build

“as i am, so are these. as are these, so am i. drawing the parallel to yourself, neither kill nor get others to kill.” - siddhartha gautama

"before i can live with other folks i’ve got to live with myself. the one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience" - harper lee

may 11 2021 ∞
dec 25 2021 +