write 5 things. people's names, places, emotions, a film title, song title, band, anything that sums up your day. do it each day on your listography for a year. started 01/20/2024
- 20 jan maroon by taylor swift. brown butter squash pasta. experiencing The Effects of the covid vaccine. the grocery store with jackie (it was sooo cold...). discovering listography.
- 21 jan pistachio pandan latte in a ceramic mug with a foam heart. knitting with cassie. last-minute finishing botanic garden internship applications (and dying and being sent to hell and dying and being etc). facetime body doubling with elizabeth. surprisingly good $4 trader joes sauv.
- 22 jan dark orange nails. fellowship of the ring except i pause every 15 minutes. jrr tolkien is speaking from beyond the veil directly into my mind about the faramir goes to rivendell au. taking a leaf out of anna's outlining strategy book. bed early.
- 23 jan fellowship bts dvd. vegetable stock with those frozen ends (and on my pants). loafers and surcoat all day. emails to old professors. ace talks with the boys (frankie and jackie).
- 24 jan coffee chats with carey. green knot earrings. rust orange linen shirt. miso tofu mushroom soup. turns out rebecca and i are both in the depression week.
- 25 jan gold ink and flex nib pens. boromir and theodred. talking to mom about the botanic garden and plants. elizabeth time. cover letters.
- 26 jan evil nap. burnt rice. remembering that i have to leave my room. cover letter (evil). finishing cover letter (not evil anymore). foolish thing by darren criss.
- 27 jan shortbread with hannah. being apprised of the Situations. ari told me my hair looked like a wolfcut. standing in the hobart basement hallway on the phone with alec. lemon-lime soda and gooey brownies and my first ever communion wafer.
- 28 jan oh good, i love a siege tower. empty kirkland vodka bottle. post-pasta nap. grand theft autumn/where is your boy by fall out boy.
- 29 jan yellow mug at coffee lab. fob moment. 90 minute job application. a sale on paper towels.
- 30 jan big mochas and carey. elizabeth returns from the war. high fantasy time with frankie. The Outline. melatonin.
- 31 jan Woke Up In The Cube. baked chickpeas. target walk with (phone) rebecca. cover letter again. bed early.
- 1 feb shower. olive green nails.
- 2 feb argyle with carey. pho and papaya salad and snacks. alas for no soju. quick soak beans. the beautiful physicality of a mortar and pestle.
- 3 feb a wonderfully healing chicago day trip. evil eye pin to remind myself that the panopticon is in my mind. curry in a plastic takeout container. starting to take photographs again.
- 4 feb irresponsible by emei. paperwork and a coffee reward. 7-11 sour peach and apple rings. nerds ritual. another day in god's coriander hell. bed early!!! like quite early!!!
- 5 feb interview. disappearing into the woods. brown sugar boba. sully playing the piano. elizabeth my girlboss angel.
- 6 feb target trip for cash. non-interview greentext fiasco. giving up on the day nap. five pounds of chicken drumsticks (yes, JUST chicken drumsticks). slow cooker kale and bean stew.
- 7 feb rotting morning. winning at sending scary text messages. a good hair dry. bop breakdown dot spotify dot com. one thousand entire words!!!
- 8 feb yummy mocha for my dream cafe writing time. remembering to bring a water bottle. black turtleneck and bug crop top and silver necklace. an unwise but wonderful 7 hours in coffeelab.
- 9 feb interview hell + emails + five references. the business minute. free whiskey shots. jackie from the drunk shakespeare company. queen carrie fuck yeah!
- 10 feb train ride! mochi. naptime. hot pot with lamb and pork and mushrooms. taiwanese recipe books and mom's stories.
- 11 feb lots of good saucers at goodwill. glass penzeys jars and copper mugs. hot pot two! tenet is the greatest movie ever made.
- 12 feb oops sleepy. good grade in dentist BAD grade in wisdom teeth. job interview talks with mom. salmon for dinner. bookbinding time and nerds ritual with elizabeth.
- 13 feb sleepy again. ninety of god's own minutes spent interviewing. they did love me though. peach wine and thank you emails.
- 14 feb how many people who are very bad at chess does it take to beat one randomized chess game? three apparently. another thousand words we are so back.
- missed 15-19 feb ; recording major events below
- 15 feb interview three!
- 16 feb friday night taxes.
- 17 feb unhinged wine drunk denethorposting.
- 18 feb thrifting with cassie. need to go back to the andersonville antique shop. snake ring! kanken! purple silk shirt for cassie! colectivo time and thesis chats with elizabeth and carey.
- 19 feb cooking for the first time in a while. sideways devils nap. more unhinged denethorposting.
- 20 feb