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  • amish won't use electricity.
  • animists believe there are spirits in everything. it would be cool for a drop ride to have spirits in it....oooooh the haunted freefall ride ooooh.
  • astral temple-temple created in another realm by imagination astrally then gone to in dreams and out of body travels to learn important things and pray in.
  • atheists and agnostics doubt god's existence and don't have any spirituality. this equals with islam on the bad scale!
  • aura reading-seeing what color and brightness the aura is and interpreting that
  • ceremonial magick-magick with rituals and other mysterious practices
  • children of god cult(not actually referring to god's real children)-they brainwash people and i don't remember what all exactly they teach
  • christian science cult believes we make our hell or heaven now and that there is no afterlife! how outlandish ridiculous and absurd is that!? there IS eternal life and i will be there with my loved ones. i say they are one bad cult for teaching otherwise!
  • conservative christians believe any thing magical is evil and should be burned, even fiction. i disagree with that because a healthy amount of fantasy and mystery is necessary for well-being. I'm a regular christian.
  • course in miracles is said to be a cult but i'm not sure why yet.
  • crystalgazing and scrying are divination by looking at a crystal ball or mirror
  • divination is foretelling the future in an occult way.
  • druidism is a nature religion involving tree and plant worship.
  • eckankar teaches to make godly sounds and practice soul travel. i think ST could be used for the glory of god if you wanted to. of course some would say otherwise. eck's beliefs on lucifer are extremely crooked though.
  • enochian-supposed angelic language
  • evil eye-very bad practice of looking at someone and wishing harm on them magically
  • golden dawn uses all kinds of rituals and other mysterious stuff.
  • heavens gate believed a spacecraft would take them to heaven if they killed themselves.
  • islam is currently the worst cult in the world. they are killing christians!
  • jehovah's witnesses have probably been to your door...they believe you have to do that to be saved
  • judaism believes jesus hasn't come yet and are stuck in the old testament.
  • kabbalah-jewish mysticism with a symbol called the tree of life. the rest is hard to explain but very fascinating to read on.
  • macumba is a religion with animal sacrifices.
  • mormons believe we will all become gods now that was satan's first lie people! that we will be like him morally but not as powerful as him is the truth. i believe we all will work with god but will also worship only him!
  • nudists don't believe in clothes!
  • orthodox christians and catholics don't believe in talking directly to god but that you need a priest. this bs isn't true! you can go to god yourself. the catholics worship mary also. she is sad when they do this.
  • paganism is worship of false gods and is against the ten commandments.
  • pyrokinesis-fire manipulation very dangerous
  • rastafarianism-don't know much about this but has something to do with a questionable style of music i think
  • reincarnationists believe in souls coming back as different people in another life
  • santeria is a religion claiming that its magic is positive to neutral and never evil
  • scientology and their church-they believe aliens cause all our problems
  • seventh day adventists don't believe in an eternal hell but the bible talks a lot about one!
  • shamanism is the belief in spirit journeying into the wilderness and learning lessons there.
  • solar temple-believe in a heavenly hierarchy that is not quite biblical. something about 33 wise leaders...i didn't see that in my bible although i saw 24 elders in revelation...hmmm
  • spiritualists talk to dead people on purpose.
  • syncretism attempts to merge religions into one
  • transcendental meditation-expensive classes on a special kind of meditation if you want to try this there are some free exercises on websites that don't believe in eating up your money.
  • unification church-sung myung moon founded cult from korea
  • wicca is a magical nature religion related to witchcraft.
  • witchcraft-use spells to get what they want but reading their books is interesting maybe because it has that forbidden feel to it.
  • zen buddhism is wrong because they reject bible study. zen meditation means to try to reach enlightenment w/o reading about it in scripture. and they don't honor jesus but buddha.
  • zoroastrians think they know how many demons there are:3333. the only thing christians know is that there are many, we don't know the exact number.
apr 2 2011 ∞
apr 5 2011 +