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She is believed to be an artificial being from a mysterious place far far away that came to earth rather accidentally while searching for a lost book.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Week 1: Detox
    • Day 1: De-puff post-party.
    • Day 2: Get jet-lag relief.
    • Day 3: Steam-clean your pores.
    • Day 4: Toss your old, cruddy makeup bag.
    • Day 5: Deep-clean your teeth.
    • Day 6: Boost immunity from the toes up.
    • Day 7: Go pure.
  • Week 2: Delight
    • Day 8: Log on for free beauty booty.
    • Day 9: Get a cheap thrill.
    • Day 10: Play with a palette.
    • Day 11: Tune in to the smoky eye.
    • Day 12: Relive your youth.
    • Day 13: Cozy up.
    • Day 14: Pick the perfect perfume — from your desk.
  • Week 3: De-stress
    • Day 15: Try a half-minute meditation.
    • Day 16: Light an aromatherapy candle.
    • Day 17: Call the concierge.
    • Day 18: Create a bedtime ritual.
    • Day 19: Get the benefits of a bath in the shower.
    • Day 20: Escape to the beach.
    • Day 21: Get pampering perks.
  • Week 4: Define
    • Day 22: Shape up.
    • Day 23: Zap leg veins.
    • Day 24: Be clear.
    • Day 25: Get on the road to radiance.
    • Day 26: Protect your skin.
    • Day 27: Get growing.
    • Day 28: Start a fitness regimen — on your skin.

info from REDBOOK

apr 2 2009 ∞
aug 1 2015 +