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A person who compulsively makes lists to keep her on track and then grows disgusted at the lack of things on this list. Then once trying to carry out the deeds demanded of the list, comes up short filled with the sentiments of uninhibited laziness.

Additicvely making lists about anything and everything. Gives self a cathartic feeling of rejuvenation and thought release - usually in the middle ...

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  • The Sims: Once I start playing this game I'll play all day for about 2 weeks and then suddenly stop. I have sudden spurts of interest in the game and then abruptly stop just as fast.
  • Pop-Punk Bands: All those late 90s and early 2000s whiny pop punk bands infect me with their edgy lyrics and sweet melodies. Case in point, MEST.
  • Romantic Comedies: I will watch any of these on TV especially if it is on the Lifetime of Oxygen network. I secretly always wish that these situations of boy meets girl would happen to me...but they don't. =[
  • Teen Novels: God, another way to live my life through the characters of an author. All these teenage situations would never happen to me, like getting caught up in drugs or relationship issues. I live through my thoughts, and this definitely guides my thoughts. :3
  • Sandwiches: Not just ordinary sandwiches. They are grilled cheese which are then stuffed with Spicy Nacho Doritos. Very messy, very crunchy, and very good!
  • E! Specials: I can always watch these when they are on TV. I recently just watched one about Michael Jackson. I just love taking in the dirty secrets and storing them into my head for future quick reference.
  • Staying Up Late: I suppose it's not the act of only staying up late but what you do. I love to snuggle on the couch and watch some movies or TV whilst eating my concoction of popcorn and hot cheetos.
  • Sour Candy: If my mom is nice enough to buy me this I go crazy. Especially for Sour Patch Kids Watermelon (which are in front of me at this moment) or Shocktarts or those little sour sprays.
  • Frank Sinatra and Big Band Music: I swear I was born in the wrong period of time. This type of music needs to be listened to aloud and suddenly the swooning of that perfect summer night begins
  • Fanfiction: I have seriously spent hours of my life reading this. Some are good, while some are just down right terrible. I usually read these to fill the hole I get when I finish a book or anime series. The main ones I usually read are Harry Potter, Hey Arnold, and Death Note - all being series I really loved.
  • HGTV: I can watch ANYTHING on this channel. I love flipping and finding houses for those trying to get the best bang for their buck or are complete property virgins. (Anyone who watches HGTV would understand the post =])
  • Panera: I love the sandwich Mediterranean Veggie and have forced my parents to buy this for me on multiple occasions almost weekly. If you go to Panera buy this! Along with an extremely large and scrumptious chocolate chip cookie
  • Unusable Knowledge: I can be a walking enclycopedia of movies,actors, and music. My mind is able to retain this information without arduous memorization. I would be kickass at trivia shows.
  • Disney Music: My my, why did Disney have to stop their original soundtracks. I loved them, downloaded them, memorized them, and have whipped them out at the proper time such as karaoke parties
  • Sonny with a Chance: I only like this show because it reminds me so much of an anime, and I love the relationship between Sonny and Chad. I love the mannerisms of Sterling Knight, peace out suckas!
  • Iced Tea: Especially Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea. This stuff is so delicious I swear I could drink it by the gallon. Luckily, my mom always keeps it on store.
jul 4 2009 ∞
aug 2 2009 +