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A person who compulsively makes lists to keep her on track and then grows disgusted at the lack of things on this list. Then once trying to carry out the deeds demanded of the list, comes up short filled with the sentiments of uninhibited laziness.

Additicvely making lists about anything and everything. Gives self a cathartic feeling of rejuvenation and thought release - usually in the middle ...

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A lot of these things don't need to have a significant other, just can be general, while others are things to do with someone else

  • Tall bookshelves overfilled with books - preferably cherry wood
  • Watching a movie you hate just because someone else loves it
  • Have a boy bring your shoes to you so you don't have to get them yourself
  • Pet names
  • Fixing a husband's tie in the morning before work
  • Driving at night listening to jazz music
  • Listening to Frank Sinatra at an Italian restaurant
  • Soft summer breezes
  • The offering of a jacket when it's cold
  • Watching movie at night
  • Just listening to music without doing anything else
  • Collections
  • Making Playlists associated with memories and seasons
  • Meeting people after many years of not seeing them
  • Picture frames
  • Being able to keep up with my off-beat banter
  • Being able to hold hands and argue at the same time
  • Whilst driving a guy never lets go of your hand, even to turn. When he has to park or reverse he guides your hand on the shift. Mushy much?
  • Grocery shopping at night
  • Staircases
  • Buying something for someone just because you know they'll like it, not for any specific reason
  • Walking at night through a park
  • Getting ice cream at night
  • When guys have deep, sultry voices when normally speaking (I know it's not romantic, but in a certain way I find it to be so)
  • When a guy orders for you at dinner, and gets the order exactly right
  • Tension
  • Taking a hot shower when it's dead winter outside and curling up on the couch under a blanket with a good book or movie
aug 17 2009 ∞
aug 19 2009 +