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A person who compulsively makes lists to keep her on track and then grows disgusted at the lack of things on this list. Then once trying to carry out the deeds demanded of the list, comes up short filled with the sentiments of uninhibited laziness.

Additicvely making lists about anything and everything. Gives self a cathartic feeling of rejuvenation and thought release - usually in the middle ...

listography NEW NEWS
Saku movies (2024 List of Movies and Shows)
fun (currents)
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  • Raining and cloudy the entire day
  • Wake up around 8 AM to the sound of rain and darkness
  • Eat Cinnamon Rolls and Milk for breakfast
  • Read an enthralling book until lunch time
  • Eat something like soup for lunch
  • Watch movies for the rest of the day until the night with someone, like my mom or a friend
    • Eating popcorn and hot fries concoction
    • Drinking Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea
dec 20 2009 ∞
jan 1 2010 +