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A person who compulsively makes lists to keep her on track and then grows disgusted at the lack of things on this list. Then once trying to carry out the deeds demanded of the list, comes up short filled with the sentiments of uninhibited laziness.

Additicvely making lists about anything and everything. Gives self a cathartic feeling of rejuvenation and thought release - usually in the middle ...

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fun (currents)
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  • Going out to the bustling malls to find the perfect gift
  • Spending time with my mom shopping and watching movies and preparing for Christmas
  • Wrapping presents while watching Christmas movies on TV
  • The color of the wrapping paper and the crispness of folding and taping the paper
  • The lovely 2 week break
  • Seeing all the lights while driving, especially downtown
  • Everything is always on sale XD
  • Have it completely dark in the house in the night and watching the glowing lights of the Christmas tree
  • All the sweets especially cookies
  • Christmas caroling with my friends' church
    • Drunk Santa told me I was an enthusiastic singer
  • Finding the perfect gift for someone
  • Listening to the 93.9 Christmas station on the radio while driving
  • Generally, everyone's in a happier mood
  • Specifically the movies are cheese-tastic but absolutely wonderful. Every break I watch the entire marathons every single day XD
  • Those wonderful GAP commercials
nov 29 2009 ∞
dec 2 2009 +