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A person who compulsively makes lists to keep her on track and then grows disgusted at the lack of things on this list. Then once trying to carry out the deeds demanded of the list, comes up short filled with the sentiments of uninhibited laziness.

Additicvely making lists about anything and everything. Gives self a cathartic feeling of rejuvenation and thought release - usually in the middle ...

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fun (currents)
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  • The cold weather and having to bundle up in scarves and gloves
  • Watching it snow in the middle of the night whilst watching a movie or reading a book
  • Taking a hot shower and bundling up
  • Hot Chocolate tastes so much warmer
  • That it becomes darker much faster - I love night
  • Don't feel as bad when doing homework because it's so cold outside
  • Hair can't frizz out
  • I love sweaters and cardigans
  • Crunching and slushing through the snow after it being freshly fallen
  • Possible days off for the crazy weather days
  • I love being cooped up in the house when it's bitterly cold outside and there's nothing to do
  • Listening to Frank Sinatra when no one's home at night
nov 27 2009 ∞
dec 7 2009 +