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A person who compulsively makes lists to keep her on track and then grows disgusted at the lack of things on this list. Then once trying to carry out the deeds demanded of the list, comes up short filled with the sentiments of uninhibited laziness.

Additicvely making lists about anything and everything. Gives self a cathartic feeling of rejuvenation and thought release - usually in the middle ...

listography GIVE MEMORIES
Saku fun (currents)
asia love (the new "official" drama/movie list)
movies (2024 List of Movies and Shows)
fiction (top villains)
list icon
  • The size of the school
  • Living in PAR and far away from the center
  • Finding my way to my classes
  • Actually learning in these said classes
  • Possibly meeting my teachers during their office hours
  • Attempt to make new friends
  • Learning the bus schedule
  • Sleeping in a different bed every night
  • My roommate
    • if she's a psycho
    • if she's a klepto
    • if she's never there XD
  • Possibly disconnecting from some of my closest friends
  • Showering in a shared floor bathroom
    • Eww
    • Ewwww
  • Rape alley
  • Not being able to find a quiet/non-distracting area to study
  • Going to my first college parties
    • What else do they do at U of I XD
  • Possibly forgetting something really important at home
  • Eating well
    • Gaining weight
  • Having to exercise
    • Eww
jun 12 2010 ∞
nov 24 2010 +