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A person who compulsively makes lists to keep her on track and then grows disgusted at the lack of things on this list. Then once trying to carry out the deeds demanded of the list, comes up short filled with the sentiments of uninhibited laziness.

Additicvely making lists about anything and everything. Gives self a cathartic feeling of rejuvenation and thought release - usually in the middle ...

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Let me just clarify I have seen EVERY single episode of this show at least 5 times so this is completely justifiable.

  • All those different people CANNOT be friends. The 'fashionista' is never friends with the geek or the head cheer-leader. Sorry, not happening.
  • Technically, the characters are supposed to represent all types of stereotypes in high school. What the fuck stereotype is Zack Morris? Player, not exactly. Class clown, nope. Smart ass, yes! He is the type of person to grow up as a douche bag with STDs.
  • They would have these different boyfriends and girlfriends and they would never make it to the next episode. Case in point: Screech had this nerdy girlfriend, Violet, and she only lasted 3 episodes max. It's like she disappeared.
  • They all look too old to be sophomores or juniors or seniors in high school. The only believable one was Screech. By the end of the high school episodes Zack seriously started looking like a pedo with his greasy-ass hair. And let's not forget Jesse, the only one to look 25 for her entire stint on the show.
  • Real life issues? My ass. The most unbelievable episode was when this guy came to shoot a no smoking campaign at Bayside. The clincher? The movie star smoked. Come on now. A boy that's supposed to represent a character like Zack Morris must have gotten high at some party. Pssha
            • Yes I do realize there is an episode where they get drunk at a party but the consequences weren't severe. Oh no! I bumped my mom's bumper, no biggie.
  • How they went to college together?! Zack was never even supposed to graduate because he didn't have enough credits, how the fuck did he manage to make it to college? No sense what-so-ever. Oh yeah, and if Screech is supposed to be some genious, why isn't he going to a good school instead of whatever shit Zack is going to
  • They are never in class or they have extremely ridiculous teachers. Like the math teacher that's insanely boring and has a nasly voice or the English teacher who speaks too loudly and can hardly see. Really? You would think they would have better quality teachers. The most I've seen them in class is when they are in detention.
  • I hate how the gang joins clubs or activities for like a week and then quits. Such as when they joined boot camp or made the sauce labeling company (Anyone remember Robin, the gold-digging hoe?) You would think at least Jesse would be more committed.
  • How can they all of a sudden make a band?! Zack-Attack. What bull-shit. None of them had any musical ambition before, but now they can make a band to play at their dances. Also, let's not forget the infamous episode where the girls make the all-girl group Hot Sundae before Jesse's meltdown.
  • Why is Belding the most clueless principal in the history of teen sitcoms? Enough said about that.
  • Why must their be a four episode long thing about Zack and Kelly getting married in Vegas whilst getting mixed up in some counterfeit heist bullshit. Again, really?
  • Those stupid episodes where they worked at the beach. Gahh, that stupid girl and Zack got together, and apparently loved each other but BAMMM they broke up by the time the arc was over. GARBAGE. Ohh and the whole planning of the two parties at the same time was classic...classically overused.
  • When I was trying to find an appropriate picture for this list I found a bunch of pictures of a hoe-bag Kelly. Not cool, she was being a soft core porn star..I just searched Saved By the Bell!
aug 13 2009 ∞
aug 16 2009 +