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my name is natalie.
likes: adrenaline rushes, watching smoke curl, nina ricci, names, buddhism, very high heels, starbucks, and tattoos.

click below if you're curious.

listography NEW NEWS
  • pulp fiction.
    • anything quentin tarantino, to tell you the truth, but this one is just a classic.
  • pretty in pink.
  • the breakfast club.
  • sunshine cleaning.
    • brilliant.
  • little miss sunshine.
  • horton hears a who.
    • maybe a litle out of place here. I watched it on an airplane when I was fifteen and the quirky bits like the anime scene or the vlad the bunny jokes are just hilarious.
  • the september issue.
    • taught me so much.
  • coco avant chanel.
    • audrey, you are a french legend.
  • up in the air.
  • fight club.
    • I refuse to say it's a boy's movie.
  • melvin goes to dinner.
  • baz luhrmann's romeo + juliet.
    • to all of those who feel it's just a way to make teenagers understand a shakespearean plot, fuck off.
  • the graduate.
  • scott pilgrim vs. the world.
  • inglourious basterds.
  • kids.
  • the virgin suicides.
oct 2 2010 ∞
dec 20 2011 +