Ceri's listography
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think. speak. write. draw. read.
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to do
(My 101 things in 1001 days)
Read 200 books [6/200]
Complete project 365 [59/365]
Learn how to cook (at least) 10 main meals [0/10]
Watch 100 movies [18/100]
See at least 5 plays or shows [1/5]
Get rid of 50 things I don't need anymore [0/50]
Buy a house plant and keep it alive for at least 100 days [0/100]
Decorate a page in my moleskine once a week [0/143]
Go to the beach once a month [4/32]
Hand write in a journal consequtively for 100 days [0/100]
Buy 10 items from charity/thrift stores [3/10]
Take at least 6 driving lessons [0/6]
Save for a new bike. Or a new laptop. Whichever is more practical for the end of the 2.75
years. Basically, save around £800. [£0/£800]
Take a picture of myself a day for a month [0/31]
Go running once a month [4/32]
Try 25 new foods [0/25]
Eat an apple a day for a month [0/31]
Get at least 200 of my photos printed [0/100]
Wear suncream every single day for a year (and longer!) [0/365]
Write 10 short (ish) stories and put them into a book [0/10]
Sleep before midnight for 2 weeks [0/14]
Don't drink fizzy drinks for one month [0/31]
Donate 50,000 grains of rice on
Start a fashion blog and update at least once a week for 3 months [0/13]
Do at least 20 pieces of homework the night I get them [0/20]
Win NaNoWriMo, again
Learn BSL (British Sign Language).
Obtain a typewriter.
Buy a good pair of boots.
Stay up all night talking with Manda
Help someone else clean their house.
Volunteer with a local charity.
Complete my French OCR course. This needs replacing, as my course got cancelled due to lack of students.
Tidy my room. Be ruthless with it.
Make a skirt.
Write and post a letter to someone
Send a "care package" to Kate in New Zealand
Clear out my wardrobe; give the old clothes to charity.
Redecorate my bedroom.
Travel along an entire line on the underground.
Visit Celina or have Celina stay here.
Iron the entire pile of clothing in my conservatory.
Get a paid lj account.
Learn to swim.
Complete project 1932. Completed: 31/03/2009
See a stand up comedian's live show.
Make a website, or at very least a livejournal community.
Go to a show for a band I've never heard before. Completed: 1/04/2009
Go to a film festival.
Learn enough French to read a book in the language.
Complete and edit a novel.
Visit a museum I've never been to.
Revisit Disneyland Paris.
Watch as many episodes of Friends as I can in 24 hours
Take a road trip (minimum 2 days).
Get pictures in a photobooth in each city I visit.
Visit New York City.
Visit Toronto
Make a new IRL friend.
Get a map of the world, make some tiny flags and mark off where I want to go and where I've travelled.
Research one aspect of history that I'm interested in.
Buy something frivolous on ebay.
Learn how to knit.
Pitch mine and Celina's idea.
Get flexible enough to finally do the splits.
Learn how to make paper cranes.
Send a postcard to postsecret.
See my favourite band live. Completed: 10/03/2009
Travel to Canada and the United States.
Get B's and above in my all my AS and A levels.
Apply to university.
Volunteer at the hospital (for an extended period of time).
Go on a date with Chris, because we never have.
Organise my books by colour.
Rebuy and complete Jak and Daxter.
Get a part-time job.
Live with Chris.
Fill a Moleskine sketchbook.
Go on holiday with family.
Let someone else read my book.
Create something I'm proud of on Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.
Only spend extended periods of time with people who bring out the best in me.
Practise my watercolour painting at least once a month.
Stop chickening out when the woman in the MAC store asks me if I want her to find make-up that suits me.
Organise all of my photographs at the end of Sixth Form.
Record an acoustic cover song.
Get my tonsils taken out, seriously.
Purchase a Polaroid or Fuji Instax camera.
Record a song with ~Said Mrs Price~ (ohaytilde?)
Go on a catch up with Amy date once a year [1/3]
Make my list of artists/bands I've seen live up from 88 to 150 [7/62]
Go skiing again.
See Kate again (Back story - A close friend who moved to NZ 2 years ago).
Complete "The List" of photographs [0/100]
Grow out/stop biting my nails.
To be filled in.
To be filled in.
To be filled in.
To be filled in.
Replace goals on this list if they become irrelevant.
Donate £2.50 to
for each task I fail to complete.
feb 3 2009 ∞
feb 6 2010 +