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I'm Ashley. 19. Aspiring journalist, part-time filmmaker, coffee enthusiast, travel addict & eternal optimist. I study film, politics and law at the University of Auckland, and hope someday to change the world.


People say I'm hard to find a present for. I think this is pretty untrue. Here are some suggestions!


  • A heartfelt letter
  • Something home-baked
  • A mix CD
  • Some kind of art (a photograph, a song)


  • Origami paper
  • Bic fine-point ball point pens in black
  • Highlighters (I'm a law student, I need them!!)
  • Some cheap earrings/bracelets (anything "gold", that looks vintagey, with flowers, beads and/or birds usually goes down well)
  • A selection of ribbon that I can tie in my hair
  • Coffee at a cafe (this way you get to enjoy my company too! :] )
  • Some chocolate. Sure, a box of chocolates is lovely, but what I'd really love are a couple of pixie caramel bars and some pineapple lumps (and I know these aren't chocolate, but those sweet/sour strips of sweet candy goodness are pretty delicious too)
  • A few badges - I have a collection. They're usually between $1 and $3 each, and I'd usually like something with either a witty slogan or some pretty art.


  • A cheap necklace (see my preferences above)
  • Candles
  • Flowers
  • A pretty tote bag


  • A beret or some other cool hat
  • A pretty scarf
  • A CD (I generally like guitar-pop, indie folk stuff. Anything that feels like it could have been made in the 60s is a pretty safe bet!)
  • Any DVD from my films list


  • A restaurant meal
  • Any book from my book list that i don't already own (or any other book you think I'd like - I love trying new stuff!)
  • Merino wool gloves (I feel the cold!)


  • A dress (I'm a size 6-8)
  • A wallet
  • A massage appointment


  • A graphic poster or print that I can frame & put on my wall
  • A set of mini perfume bottles
  • Take me shoe-shopping


  • A DSLR
  • Perfume - I wear YSL Parisienne, but I'd love to try YSL Paris & some Chanel
  • A tan leather satchel/briefcase
feb 18 2010 ∞
feb 19 2010 +