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My nickname is from "Times Like These" by Foo Fighters. Select bits:

"I'm a wild light blinding bright
burning off alone...It's times like these you give and give again/It's times like these you learn to love again/It's times like these time and time again"

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  • Was out of the house by 10 am!
  • Spent an hour trying to find a Starbucks that is about five minutes away. Didn't actually find it, but I always knew where in the city I was, and I didn't ever feel lost, just frustrated. Eventually ended up at a Chapters, where a nice barista showed me where the shop I was looking for is. Stayed there anyway because it was a great place, with wireless!
  • Turned the wrong way down a one-way street with oncoming traffic for the first time. Scary, but nobody died and the fenders are fine.
  • Had a yummy sandwich from Safeway for lunch. I miss Safeway!
  • Found a liquor store and parking downtown!
  • Found the Starbucks I'd spent the morning looking for. Turned out they didn't have wireless, but I stayed anyway, and probably got so much more done than I would have otherwise. Will probably go back tomorrow, actually.
  • Baristas at Starbucks impressed that I stayed despite no wireless and gave me a free piece of raspberry coffee cake, in a bag on which they wrote a little note commenting on what a trooper I am for staying despite lack of wireless, and appearing to get a great deal of work done. Lovely random act of kindness.
  • Especially grateful for the coffee cake because the 24 hour McD's was closed for "CUNSTRUCTION." Sign written on a computer without spellcheck, apparently.
  • Am going to finish section on ACT UP tonight! Then sleep. Oh, I'm looking forward to the sleep.
  • Might stay another day in Winnipeg, spend tomorrow night with a cousin. Depends on how much I get done. I really don't want to head back to Gimli until the chapter is done.
sep 8 2008 ∞
jan 30 2010 +