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My nickname is from "Times Like These" by Foo Fighters. Select bits:

"I'm a wild light blinding bright
burning off alone...It's times like these you give and give again/It's times like these you learn to love again/It's times like these time and time again"

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  • So tired.
  • Had a most excellent conversation with Sarah, and found myself thinking afterwards that we still lived near each other, because in some ways (the best ways), it was like every conversation we've ever had. What we talk about has changed over the last two decades, but the way we talk hasn't.
  • Wrote another page for the analytic chapter. Not a lot, but I didn't sit down to it until ten pm, so that's pretty good. Must get earlier start tomorrow.
  • For the last year or so I've been hard-pressed to do any serious work after about 8 pm, and that's definitely changed. I think it's because there are people sleeping not far away, and so I don't feel lonely and get distracted by that.
  • Tomorrow I will finish this chapter. I'm only about five pages away, and I've got a feel for it now.
  • Haven't heard from Y. Not terribly alarmed, since writing that email seemed to be a cure unto itself.
  • Should go right to bed, but I'm going to watch an episode of something first. Criminal Minds, I think, because 24 hours is about the longest I can hold out.
  • Or maybe I'll just go to bed. I want some kind of bedtime story, though, and I've reread all my comfort novels to bits. If I start something new, I'll stay up with it, and that'll entirely defeat the purpose of being in bed in the first place.
  • My caffeine tolerance seems to have gone up, which I think is interesting given that I'm almost entirely off ativan. General reduction in stress, possibly?
  • CM might be too scary. Bones, then, and CM tomorrow when I'm done the chapter. And baseball! Yay for the quarter-finals! Boo for the Cubs completely sucking ass tonight!
  • Think Bones and Booth might be my first true het OTP since I got involved in fandom. When I'm done, part of my 'week of doing nothing' is going to include looking for good Bones stories. There must be some!
  • My parents are having company over on Saturday, which means Mom is going to want to clean. I'm going to volunteer for the bathroom and vacuuming, and take myself out of the rest of it.
  • Took some pictures today, including one of the absolutely gorgeous tree by the lake. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can't find a half-hour to take Cubbie for a walk in the park, and get some pics there, because the foliage is incredible right now.
oct 3 2008 ∞
jan 30 2010 +