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Kitty, 20. I love winter, half-and-half honey and sugar in milky tea, cats, perigee moons, long skirts, pretty things, books, night time and rainy days.

listography NEW NEWS
  • I have three lamps in my bedroom because my ceiling light hasn’t worked for a long long time and no one’s bothered to get it fixed. Despite the number of lamps I have around, I often light a candle when I write at night because it’s not so harsh.
  • One of my main goals in life is to be a good daughter. My mum deserves that and I like - always have, always will - living my life that way.
  • I’ve met some pretty awful people who have done awful things to me. Out of them all the worst person is my father. I will always tell people that just because someone is your parent, it does not give them leave to do things that you wouldn’t tolerate from anyone else and get away with it. Just because he was married to my mother doesn’t make what he did ok.
  • I often wish I was born in another time. But I think I could remedy it if I bought a little house near a forest and a little church and some misty hills.
  • I am almost a hundred percent sure I believe in God. I’m just as likely to be wrong as the next person and I hate when people make judgements in regards to religion.
  • I like solitude very much.
  • I get really really shy and I’m terrible at talking to people I’ve just met. I’m sorry.
  • I don’t like Australia because it is too hot and I don’t really like sand. I have other reasons too but those are the main ones.
  • I have really strange dreams and I tend to dwell on them for a long time.
  • My little brother thinks I walk around in a world of my own; not in a completely oblivious way… I see where he’s coming from. I like the sound of it.
feb 18 2012 ∞
feb 18 2012 +