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Kitty, 20. I love winter, half-and-half honey and sugar in milky tea, cats, perigee moons, long skirts, pretty things, books, night time and rainy days.

listography NEW NEWS
  • He looks like me.
  • If we were twins he'd be the evil one.
  • He offered to bash someone up for me once, I don't remember who or why.
  • He lets me wear his clothes.
  • He lets me sit in his bed playing his xbox.
  • He writes the best birthday cards ever.
  • He's not an idiot.
  • Sometime I think I've made him up in my head.
  • He usually plays nice with Marcel - which I admire.
  • He does the dishwasher.
  • He general does things for me. Trivial, stupid things too. Like getting out of his bed to get me a bottle of water from downstairs cause I'm too lazy.
  • He comforts me when I'm upset.
  • He gets along with my friends.
  • This one time he tucked me into bed.
  • He's good at the things I'm not. Like maths.
  • He's really funny.
  • He's generally just lovely and cool and awesome and no one has a better little brother than I do.
jul 26 2011 ∞
oct 17 2012 +