"If you'd left me alone, neither of us would've been harmed" -Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin

"Wauns da nämlich wirklich wurscht wär, wos andere Leit über di denkn, datst du gor net sogn, dass da wurscht is, wos andere Leit über di denkn, wals dir gor net auffolt, dass da wurscht is, wals da wirklich wurscht is" -Paul Pizzera

"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water." -W. H. Auden

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -Edgar Allan Poe

"They can't hurt you, if the music is louder than their voices." -unkown

"I’ve heard it all before. Aren’t you tired of all of the violence inside of you? Just let go. Gravity, hold on to me. So come and wash us away. Just thank fuck that we don’t last forever " -architects

"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." -A. Dumbledore, Harry Potter

_"It seemed to Artyom that he had discovered the true nature of man, as well as the meaning of life. He now viewed man as a clever machine for the decomposition of food and the production of shit..." - Artyom, Metro

mar 2 2017 ∞
jul 27 2019 +