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"But that is life. If nothing else, that's life, you know? It's real, sometimes it fucking hurts, but it's sort of all we have."

  • finding money you didn't even know you lost
  • eating things past the expiry date
  • wearing underwear just out of the dryer
  • old, dangerous playground equipment
  • sleeping in new bed sheets
  • barbeque lighters
  • being the first person into a really crowded movie theatre and getting the prime seats
  • sneezing three or more times in a row
  • the first shower you take after not showering for a really long time
  • using Q-Tips the way you’re not supposed to use them
  • the smell of rain on a hot sidewalk
  • a really cold glass of water on a really hot day
  • snow days
  • getting the eyelash out of your eye
  • peeing an orange in one shot
  • when you manage to squeeze enough toothpaste out for one last brush
  • picking scabs
  • when the only other person going up in the elevator is going to the same floor as you
  • really, really tall people
  • paying for something with exact change
  • getting piggybacked anywhere
  • the smell and sound of a campfire
  • getting in line just before it gets really long
  • the five second rule
  • the feeling of scrunching sand in your feet
  • finding out your birthday is on a friday or saturday next year
  • snow stepping
  • snow falling on Christmas Eve
  • the laugh echo
  • not getting a hangover when you were expecting to get one
  • when the vending machine gives you two things instead of one
  • the other side of the pillow
  • when your microwave pops microwave popcorn perfectly
  • popping bubble wrap
  • the smell of freshly cut grass
  • pushing those little buttons on the soft drink cup lid
  • when you push the button for the elevator and it's already there
  • building an amazing couch cushion fort
  • pouring a drink where the bubbles go right to the top but not over
  • remembering what movie that guy is from
  • when the public bathroom has paper towels instead of hand dryers
  • the smell of crayon
  • gym pain
  • when you know your tv remote so well you don't need to look at the buttons
  • backseat car windows that go down all the way
  • getting into a bed with clean sheets after shaving your legs
  • when you’re watching one of your favorite movies and you realize you don’t remember how it ends
  • waking up before your alarm clock and realizing you've got lots of sleep left
  • taking your shoes off on a long car ride
  • when you arrive at the bus stop just as the bus is coming around the corner
  • dangling your feet in water
  • that feeling in your stomach when you get really high on the swings
  • the sound of barely frozen puddles cracking when you step on them
  • catching somebody singing in their car and sharing a laugh with them
  • the smell of play-doh
  • laughing so hard you make no sound at all
  • watching seniors do water aerobics
  • when you sneeze and a stranger says bless you
  • looking at how much dirt came off something you just cleaned
  • changing the channel during a commercial break and then flipping back just as the show’s coming back on
  • finding the perfect patch of grass to sit on at the park
  • making someone laugh when they've got a really full mouth
  • a long hug when you really need it
  • listening to your new favourite song over and over again
  • actually pointing out a constellation in outer space
  • screaming at characters in movies to do things
  • eating the crusts of the sandwich first to save the middle part for last
  • turning of all the lights during a thunderstorm
  • when you open your cell phone and there are a bunch of text messages waiting
  • taking the stairs beside somebody taking the escalator
  • sneaking cheaper candy into the movie theatre
  • when you’re awkwardly standing by yourself with a full cafeteria tray of food and then suddenly spot your friend waving at you
  • when a stranger walks by and offers to take a picture of you and the person you're with
  • vacuuming a dirty carpet and hearing all the tiny rocks going through the hose
  • walking faster than cars sitting in traffic
  • fitting every last thing in the dishwasher
  • stomping dry crunchy leaves on the sidewalk
  • when you suddenly remember it's a long weekend
  • kicking those clumps of frozen slush off the back of your car’s mud flaps
  • carrying all the groceries in from the car in one big trip
  • the moment on a roller coaster after you get to the top of the first big hill and before you go down it
  • finding something you lost a long time ago after you already gave up looking for it
  • slowing down
  • coming back to your own bed after a long trip
  • the moment after you wake up from a nightmare and suddenly realize it was all just a dream
  • when it feels like the lyrics to the song you're listening to were written just for you
  • flavor pockets
  • the sound of snow crunching under your boots
  • when the dog's really excited you're back home
  • staying up past your bedtime when you were a kid
  • singing in the car on the way home from the concert
  • the feeling of brushing your teeth with a new toothbrush
  • trying to understand what your friend's saying when you're underwater
  • when your friend makes sure you got into the house safe after dropping you off at the end of the night
  • your tongue
  • finding hidden compartments in things you already own
  • when strangers wish you happy holidays
  • christmas hugs
  • walking on grass with bare feet
  • when the DJ plays your request
  • walking around naked when you're home alone
  • sitting on your freshly made bed and admiring your work after cleaning your room
  • making the first footprint in fresh snow
  • taking your ponytail out
  • figuring out the plot twist just before they reveal it
  • drawing on steamy mirrors with your fingers
  • looking at all the hair on the floor after you just got a haircut
  • correctly guessing the actor voicing the animated movie character
  • realizing you still remember your childhood friend's phone number
  • when a little baby gives you a hug before it leaves
  • sharing your stories with friends
  • your moms's love
  • not bumpging your head on something you always bump your head on
  • letting the waves bury your feet at the beach
  • when you're in the fastest moving lane in a traffic jam
  • staying in your pajamas all day
  • when a friend returns something they borrowed so long ago that you forgot you owned it
  • school field trip day
  • the moment in the shower where you decide to make it a really long shower
  • finding treasures in your spring jacket pocket
  • running to the door when your mom or dad comes home from work
  • watching a movie in the basement with a group of friends
  • wrong coloured foods
  • when you open a book to the exact page you were looking for
  • laughing so hard you start crying
  • wearing your favourite pair of underwear and nobody knows
  • giant morning stretches accompanied by stupid noises
  • catching food in your mouth
  • taking a spin on a shopping cart
  • when you find out your new place has a really good shower
  • the big night nap
  • listening to a couple tell you how they met
  • finally peeing after holding it forever
  • when your pet notices your in a bad mood and comes to see you
  • the night before a really big day
  • when dreams come true
  • dancing when you're home alone
jul 13 2009 ∞
aug 14 2012 +