• Shower. Just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while, sit on the floor if you gotta. Washing the hair helps too.
  • Moisturize everything. Use whatever lotion you like. Unscented? Dollar store lotion? Fancy ass 48 hour lotion that makes you smell like a field of wildflowers? Use whatever you want, and use it all over.
  • Put on clean, comfortable clothes.
  • Put on your favorite underwear. Cute black lacy panties? Those ridiculous boxers you bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? Put em on.
  • Drink cold water. Use ice. I you want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost.
  • Clean something. Tidy up room. Doesn’t have to be anything big. Organize one drawer of your desk. Wash five dirty dishes. Do a load of laundry. Scrub the bathroom sink.
  • Blast music. Listen to something upbeat and dance-y and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. Sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both.
  • Make food. Don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. Take the time and make food. Even if it’s rice. Add something special to it, like a hard boiled egg or some veggies. Prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something.
  • Make something. Write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. Even if you don’t think you’re good at it.
  • Talk about your interests on social media. That movie you watched? The things you're reading? Researched something nice and feel like you can explain it? Then do it. Explain it. Talk about it. Write down your thoughts, it doesn't matter if no one will read it. Just write it all down and realize that you know more than you think and put on more effort than you're willing to admit. Plus it makes you feel cool.
  • Cuddle your pets if you can cuddle them. Take pictures of them. Talk to them. Tell them how you feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out.
mar 1 2018 ∞
apr 29 2018 +