- movie count (31/31)
- anime count (1/1)
- CannonBusters (12 > 6ep/2d)
- comic count (3/3)
- The Priest (160 > 1vol/16d)
- The Crow (1v)
- The Sandman (10v > 1v/20d)
- series count (3/2)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (7s/144e > 2ep/72d = 2m11d)
- Breaking Bad (5s/62e > 2ep/31d)
- Mindhunter (2s/10e > 5d)
- games count (-/1)
- music count (4/10)
- Delerium - Syrophenikan
- Gojira - The way of all flesh
- Manowar - Louder Than Hell
- Disturbed - Asylum
- book count (0/1)
- ✔ study languages again
aug 1 2019 ∞
aug 31 2019 +