the moonrise's listography
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(october 2023)
movie count
anime count (-/-)
Jujutsu Kaisen S2
Dr. Stone S4
Undead Unluck
manga count (-/-)
comic count (-/-)
series count (-/-)
games count (-/-)
music count (134/-)
Avenged Sevenfold - The Stage
Avenged Sevenfold - Life Is but a Dream...
Bring Me the Horizon - Count Your Blessings
Bring Me the Horizon - Suicide Season
Bring Me the Horizon - There Is a Hell Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let's Keep It a Secret.
Bring Me the Horizon - Sempiternal
Bring Me the Horizon - That's the Spirit
Combichrist - The Joy of Gunz
Combichrist - Everybody Hates You
Combichrist - What the Fuck Is Wrong with You People?
Combichrist - Today We Are All Demons
Combichrist - Making Monsters
Combichrist - No Redemption
Combichrist - We Love You
Combichrist - This Is Where Death Begins
Combichrist - One Fire
Rise Against - The Unraveling
Rise Against - Revolutions per Minute
Rise Against - Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Rise Against - The Sufferer & the Witness
Rise Against - Appeal to Reason
Rise Against - Endgame
Rise Against - The Black Market
Rise Against - Wolves
Skillet - Skillet
Drowning Pool - Sinner
Drowning Pool - Desensitized
Drowning Pool - Full Circle
Drowning Pool - Drowning Pool
Drowning Pool - Resilience
Soil - Throttle Junkies
Soil - Scars
Soil - Redefine
Soil - True Self
Soil - Picture Perfect
Soil - Whole
Soil - Play It Forward
Dope - Felons and Revolutionaries
Dope - Life
Dope - Group Therapy
Dope - American Apathy
Dope - No Regrets
Dope - Blood Money Part 1
Dope - Blood Money Part Zer0
Faith No More - We Care a Lot
Faith No More - Introduce Yourself
Faith No More - The Real Thing
Faith No More - Angel Dust
Faith No More - King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime
Faith No More - Album of the Year
Faith No More - Sol Invictus
Limp Bizkit - Three Dollar Bill, Y'all
Limp Bizkit - Significant Other
Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit - Results May Vary
Limp Bizkit - The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1)
Limp Bizkit - Gold Cobra
Limp Bizkit - Still Sucks
Breaking Benjamin - Saturate
Breaking Benjamin - We Are Not Alone
Breaking Benjamin - Phobia
Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony
Breaking Benjamin - Dark Before Dawn
Breaking Benjamin - Ember
The Birthday Massacre - Nothing and Nowhere
The Birthday Massacre - Violet
The Birthday Massacre - Walking with Strangers
The Birthday Massacre - Pins and Needles
The Birthday Massacre - Hide and Seek
The Birthday Massacre - Superstition
The Birthday Massacre - Under Your Spell
Buck-Tick - Hurry Up Mode
Buck-Tick - Sexual XXXXX!
Buck-Tick - Seventh Heaven
Buck-Tick - Taboo
Buck-Tick - Aku no Hana
Buck-Tick - Kurutta Taiyou
Buck-Tick - Darker Than Darkness -Style 93-
Buck-Tick - Six/Nine
Buck-Tick - Cosmos
Buck-Tick - Sexy Stream Liner
Buck-Tick - One Life, One Death
Buck-Tick - Kyokutou I Love You
Buck-Tick - Mona Lisa Overdrive
Buck-Tick - Juusankai wa Gekkou
Buck-Tick - Tenshi no Revolver
X Japan - Blue Blood
X Japan - Jealousy
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Dune
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Tierra
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Heavenly
L'Arc-en-Ciel - True
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Heart
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Ark
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Ray
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Real
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Smile
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Awake
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Kiss
L'Arc-en-Ciel - Butterfly
Versailles - Lyrical Sympathy
Versailles - Noble
Versailles - Jubilee
Versailles - Holy Grail
Versailles - Versailles
Yōsei Teikoku - Stigma
Yōsei Teikoku - Gothic Lolita Propaganda
Yōsei Teikoku - Metanoia
Powerwolf - Return in Bloodred
Powerwolf - Lupus Dei
Powerwolf - Bible of the Beast
Powerwolf - Blood of the Saints
Powerwolf - Preachers of the Night
Powerwolf - Blessed & Possessed
Powerwolf - The Sacrament of Sin
Powerwolf - Call of the Wild
Powerwolf - Interludium
Heimataerde - Gotteskrieger
Heimataerde - Kadavergehorsam
Heimataerde - Unwesen
Heimataerde - Kaltwærts
Heimataerde - Ærdenbrand
Heimataerde - Eigengrab
Dir En Grey - Gauze
Dir En Grey - Macabre
Dir En Grey - Kisō
Dir En Grey - Vulgar
Dir En Grey - Withering to Death
Dir En Grey - The Marrow of a Bone
Dir En Grey - Uroboros
Dir En Grey - Dum Spiro Spero
Dir En Grey - Arche
Dir En Grey - The Insulated World
Dir En Grey - Phalaris
book count (0.5/-)
Psicologia Social: Principais temas e vertentes (Cláudio Torres, et al)
Psicologia Social do Racismo: estudos sobre branquitude e branqueamento no Brasil (Iray Carone et al)
Psicometria (Claudio Simon Hutz)
Psicodiagnóstico (Cláudio Simon Hutz)
Psicopatologia e Semiologia dos Transtornos Mentais (Paulo Dalgalarrondo)
oct 1 2023 ∞
nov 1 2023 +