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  • Alan (The Hangover)
    • I mean, he might get me stranded in the middle of nowhere in the worst situation ever but I really want a night with the Hangover cast, and Alan is fucking hilarious.
  • Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
    • Atticus is so lovely, he's one of my favourite characters, I just want to give him a massive hug.
  • Basil Fawlty (Fawlty Towers)
    • I'm strangely attracted to John Cleese as Fawlty hahaha, I'd happily take Sybil's place.
  • Ben Hanscom (Stephen King's IT)
    • Aw Ben Hanscom, who hears the song Earth Angel in his head when he sees Bev. He's just lovely.
  • Bob Fossil (The Mighty Boosh)
    • Note to self: pocket cup.
  • Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
    • He's sexy, he's a pirate, he's Johnny Depp. What more reason do you need?
  • Carrie White (Carrie)
    • Her life is so tragic, bless her. I just want to adopt her and kill her mother.
  • Chris Chambers (Stand by Me)
    • The first acting role I saw River in, and I fell in love with Chris Chambers. Some of the time he seems a lot older than he is, acting like the father figure to Gordie and Teddy, but when he breaks down in front of Gordie you just realise how vulnerable he is, he's just a kid and you just want to help him. Poor Chris.
  • David (The Lost Boys)
    • Never has a vampire looked so beautiful, my god. Everything about him is just so tempting.
  • Doug Wilson (Weeds)
    • Doug is my god. Every word that comes out of his mouth is hilarious, personal favourite being "I saw your fat ankles, calf - right into ankle, cankles!"... DOUG WILSON FOR PRESIDENT.
  • Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
    • He's so sweet and misunderstood, then he's just thrown into a world he doesn't understand and you just want to hug him constantly. Definitely one of Depp's best.
  • Gale Weathers (Scream)
    • I fucking love Gale, she just grew on me more and more after the first Scream movie. She's one of those characters you start off hating and then they become the one you get really attached to. "Your lemon squares taste like ass!"
  • Hunter Adams (Patch Adams)
    • Well, I can't resist a bit of Robin Williams but everything about Patch Adams is wonderful. He goes out of his way and puts himself at risk just to help other people and it's so lovely and I just want to be his friend.
  • John Keats (Bright Star)
    • I couldn't imagine anyone playing Keats like Ben Whishaw in Bright Star. He has that really sensitive look about him and awww.
  • Kevin McAllister (Home Alone)
    • Aw man, if I'd had a friend like Kevin when I was a kid I would have had the best childhood ever. I think I'd welcome burglars if I had a Kevin McAllister, seriously, how creative is he for a kid?
  • Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
    • Ugh she's so beautiful I could cry. This is one of those Jolie roles where she's just so good at everything and it all looks so smooth the way she avoids being killed like every second of the film. I'd turn lesbian for Lara Croft.
  • Legolas (Lord of the Rings)
    • He's so smooth. I don't even need to explain this one, I'd love to have Legolas as my elf buddy, what a beauty.
  • Linda Lue Linden (The Thing Called Love)
    • This is one of those characters I feel I could really relate to and get along with. She clearly has no idea what she wants to do and she's just trying to find her place in the world.
  • Lisa Rowe (Girl, Interrupted)
    • This is the character that made me fall in love with Angelina Jolie. She comes across as a psychotic and a bitch but you just can't help feeling sorry for her because she seems helpless. One of the many characters I'd turn lesbian for.
  • Mike Walsh (The Goonies)
    • Aw little Mike, he just wants to save his home and he doesn't want to leave the Goondocks.
  • Miranda (Miranda)
    • Miranda is literally me but slightly older and with a tv show. She's so funny and if you disagree then fuck you you're wrong.
  • Nancy Botwin (Weeds)
    • Would you believe Mary-Louise Parker is 47?! She is so hot. I fall in love with Nancy more and more each season, she's beautiful and she just does stuff. That's all she needs to do. I'd love to grab a coffee with Nancy Botwin.
  • Phil (The Hangover)
    • I just melt even thinking about him. That smile... Yeah I think he definitely contributes to the fact that I'd like to hang around with the Hangover cast.
  • Richard (The Beach)
    • I wish I could have went to the beach with Richard, I could easily fall in love/travel with that beautiful man.
  • Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
    • My dear Sam... He's so sweet. Everything he does for Frodo is just... aw. He's such a loyal friend and has a heart of gold.
  • Seth Cohen (The O.C.)
    • You can't tell me you've watched The O.C. and not fallen in love with Seth Cohen... he's so annoying and geeky and you just want to slap him at times but you can see why Summer falls in love with him. He's Seth Cohen.
  • Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones)
    • He's definitely my favourite GoT character... he's hilarious. I'd love to get drunk with Tyrion Lannister.
  • Vince Noir (The Mighty Boosh)
    • Between Vince and Howard I think I'd have to choose Vince. He's fantastic in every way... look at that wardrobe.
jun 18 2012 ∞
jun 26 2012 +