(stop to cry. just do this.)
- black lines;
- paper texture;
- bright/neon colors;
- a lot of black;
- pink! pink! pink!;
- small eyes, long eyelines;
- pastel colors too;
- contrast: pastel colors/cute aesthetic x weird/creepy themes;
- demons;
- blood;
- soft/cute gore;
- erotic inspiration;
- sexy/hot vibe;
- duo palette: black + one color;
- less is more;
- city light at night;
- sparkles!!! like!! anastasia the movie!!;
- you are not fucking ~chibi;
- why you are using mosaic bgs? stop;
- you never liked "well-finished drawing";
- to get better: hands and lips;
- and: couples;
- stop being ~cute again;
- pls to do better angles. practice perspective;
- perspective is your best friend;
- your best background: the detective room;
- your worst background: the 24th. burn.
- stop being ashamed about to want draw soft and really gay ero gure;
dec 10 2016 ∞
apr 27 2022 +