• there are two types of people: those who let go and those who are let go. i've always been the latter. (...) how many times have i watched people leave up to now? — matsuoka masamune, aoharu x kikanjuu.
  • i'm always just waiting. waiting for someone to reach out to me. but at the same time, i'm really self-conscious and a coward. — chizuru oshima, my little monster.
  • i have someone i like. i never had the confidence and i’ve doubted my feelings countless of times. but, when she stays by my side and smiles with me, i feel like i can do anything. — yoshida haru, my little monster.
  • love is good. it changes people, for better or for worse. you could look at it as a chance for you to change. the best kind of love helps you grow up. — misawa mitsuyoshi, my little monster.
  • no matter how foolish or incomprehensible, some love cannot be discarded. you may try to stop your heart, unable to forgive yourself, but there will be times when you lose hope and your heart is moved again. — iksu, akatsuki no yona.
  • there is strength in words... sometimes, they become words of power. i thought that if i said i'm fine, then i really would be fine. but it's no use... it doesn't work. — iksu, akatsuki no yona.
  • having happy and beautiful memories won't always bring you salvation. the more beautiful a memory is, the more painful it can become. it can even become terrifying. both for the one who's leaving... and for the one left behind. — isla, plastic memories.
  • it's not like i'm pessimistic or anything... i'm just moving forward without looking back. — onodera ritsu, sekaiichi hatsukoi.
  • loving someone means entrusting all of yourself to that person. i can't even imagine doing that right now. it's too terrifying. — onodera ritsu, sekaiichi hatsukoi.
  • why do i always do this? i fall in love with someone, then i get all of these ideas, and then i feel brokenhearted. and it's always my fault. — kisa shouta, sekaiichi hatsukoi.
  • the harder i try, the more my knees shake. i always mess up when it's important. — nayuki tooru, high school star musical.
  • whenever i get up in the morning, i always think to myself, "am i really the same person i was yesterday?" (...) for example, just as a computer loads its OS into memory and boots up each time it restarts, is it possible i'm just booting up the person called "saikawa sohei" each morning and trying to play that role? — saikawa sohei, the perfect insider.
  • every human starts as a genius. and as they age, they become average. it's because they get stupid that they can work. they can make small talk. — magata shiki, the perfect insider.
  • seeing nature and thinking it's beautiful is what's unnatural. that means the life you lead is an unclean one. if you can cut yourself off from mother nature and still survive, doesn't it mean you have enough inner beauty to allow you to do that? — saikawa sohei, the perfect insider.
  • once you miss the opportunity to say something, the words become increasingly toxic. the best thing to do is to just say everything. — linda, golden time.
sep 20 2015 ∞
nov 19 2015 +