Meanness is the absolute most horrible quality in a person. The ability to be intentionally cruel for no reason at all, to make fun of someone for the heck of it, to forget that someone is human just like you.

Greed disgusts me, too. Cheapness, treating money like it's more valuable than anything else. Money is just money. It comes and goes, and it's meant to be spent or saved for practical reasons.

Emptiness...I don't even know what I mean when I say this. I guess it's a mixture of boring and conformity and weakness. I mean, everyone's kind of boring in their own way, and everyone conforms in some fashion, and everyone has got their weak spots. But there are people who have no depth, who have no backbone at all, who don't know how to assert their own being and be their own person and are so controllable by more dominant personalities that it seems like they're no one at all. I don't care for people who are very normal, I like the weird ones with quirks and awkwardness.

dec 31 2010 ∞
dec 31 2010 +