• [ IMPORTANT!!! ] i really don't care if you interact with liam/baesontodd or jude/yurllowell, since so many people i know are friends with them BUT if you believe absolutely anything they say about me or if you have or are planning on telling them about things i say on any of my accounts and/or sending them screencaps, you are not fucking welcome here

don't follow if

  • you're under 18 (unless i follow you first)
  • you think mentally ill people don't need to apologize for their shitty behavior BECAUSE they're mentally ill (you can ask me to elaborate on this if you need to)
  • you require people to tell you why they unfollow/softblock
  • you don't like me or my boyfriend (you would think this would be a no brainer And Yet)
  • you vague, talk shit, or guilt trip all the time
  • you're openly negative about things i enjoy
  • you start drama about dumb shit
jul 4 2016 ∞
may 26 2017 +