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  • Don't you just love meeting new and exciting people? It's so wonderful to step out of your usual circle of friends every now and again. It's especially refreshing when you find that people you had previously dismissed as snobby, or shallow prove incredibly interesting. It feels so good to actually have fulfilling conversations- to share your views, be exposed to others' views, to talk about things that matter, rather than making small talk. Had a wonderful chat to a couple of very smart boys last night about the wonders of travel and how wonderful we are to have the world at our feet.
  • I feel like a list of places to travel to is a bit void, considering I want to see everywhere and to put it into a list makes seeing the world seem finite or achievable. In reality, I don't think we can ever completely feel like we've seen enough of the world- once you have the travel bug there is always more to see and learn. But here are a few of the places that top priority for me...
  • Everywhere
  • Brazil (world cup 2014)
  • Carnival Trinidad and Tobago (was told it's a must visit by a wonderful Trinidad and Tobagonian last night)
  • Russia
  • Trans-Siberian railway
  • Turkey- I'm in love with Istanbul, can't wait to see more, Cappadocia, sleep under the stars at Gallipoli (provided an Icelandic volcano doesn't stop me from making it)
  • Cuba
  • Hike the Inca trails in Peru
  • New York City- to live in loft, drink black coffee, read the NY Times and be a poor, struggling writer
  • Travel all around India
  • Backpack around South America
  • Live in Spain for a year
  • See Jerusalem, Damascus, the Middle East
  • Visit a Sherpa community in Nepal
  • Volunteer in Africa
  • Listen to buskers in San Fransisco
  • See Petra
  • Climb Mt Sinai
  • Sail the Croatian Islands
  • Fuck it, I can't make a list of this. I could go on forever.
  • "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
dec 18 2010 ∞
dec 18 2010 +