cheesy but real:

  • i do relate to their music, despite the language barrier(thank God for translators and subbers). yes, they do make music about school, life, and societal issues (they even curse in their songs which is normally not allowed and unusual in most kpop groups). i think it's important to have a certain level of relation between the listener and the music to be able to enjoy it completely. and luckily, i think we relate at so many levels.
  • they make their own songs. yoongi & namjoon has produced a couple of tracks already. the rapper line make their own lyrics for their raps and the vocal line contributes to their songs' lyrics. you can never doubt their talent and hard work.
  • i enjoy watching them grow. they kinda give me the underdog vibe i want to have. starting off from a nugu company to making it big in the industry now. they inspire me.
  • they do appreciate their fans. as an international fan, it's extremely hard, if not impossible, to get the same attention as local korean fans but somehow, they make us feel appreciated and recognized too. and i love that. i think they're quite one of the few groups who are sincerely grateful and truly cares for their fans. ofcourse, all/most of these are possible thanks to twitter.
  • i've learned to like them as persons not just as good-looking korean idols. there are moments when they share some insights and reflections about life or themselves or literally anything, which makes me reflect on things too sometimes. i obviously don't have enough basis to say that they are really good people (as i am only limited with the cameras' and media's perspective), but as far as i have been following this group, i think it's safe to say that they really are genuine and dedicated with what they do.
  • their bond, i think they are naturally funny without making any effort. they're such cute dorks who become stage slayers when they perform. i like that kind of shit.

p.s: yes they have done problematic things(misogynistic lyrics, etc.) and i can't defend them with that anymore, but they always accept their mistakes,take responsibility for it, and are willing to change and educate themselves. and so, i choose to still support them. unless ofc they stop owning their mistakes. as far as now, they're still worth loving. so to those excessive haters, you know you are allowed to not like them right? those excessive and repetitive slander are not doing any good so..... i hope you realize this and if you just can't really take bts, just keep it to yourself? no point in being worked up too much.

wow, a long ass post. lol no one reads this anyway. this is just basically me trying to word all my thoughts and feelings about bts. yay

apr 26 2016 ∞
aug 10 2016 +