• lyrics:

With the flash I feel the flesh rip off my chest, but in your arms I'll stay forever. In the streets I hear the screams of the children running free and the cries of agony from their mothers.

I just turn my head instead to your glorious face, and I hold you close and whisper, "I love you" I'll do anything for you, become anything for you. I'll do anything for you, become anyone for you. (x2)

So goodnight, I love you, goodbye, I love you. Goodnight, I love you, goodbye, I love you, Goodbye.

  • This track is actually part of a concept album that I am in the process of writing. This song deals with events that are at the end of the overall story. Definitely look for more music and news on this storyline. It's going to be epic!
  • RECORDING Guitars
  • RECORDING Percussion
  • RECORDING Vocals
feb 23 2012 ∞
feb 23 2012 +