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mostly serves as my fanfic reading/rec list now.
mostly exo fics because there is no end to them.
but also fics from other fandoms (anime + hp + soompi fics of yonder).

personal posts are in ongoing.

listography NEW NEWS
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  • My name makes a sentence. It's more like a fill-in-the-blank kind of thing honestly.
  • Vertically challenged at 5'1''.
  • Bookworm. Period.
  • Blue. Any kind of blue is for the win. Or any pastels. Those are awesome too.
  • Child at heart. Don't hate.
  • I'm attached to my laptop and cell phone.
  • I have an obsession with stuffed animals. A third of my bed filled with them? I'd say so.
  • Sadly, I have an inferiority complex.
  • I. Love. Food.
  • Everyone finds pleasure in my misery aka everyone loves to pick on me. I don't know why. Weirdos.
  • Has an A+ in procrastination.
  • Fanfics, dramas, and fairy tales, oh my. No wonder I'm a hopeless romantic. rawr.
  • Slight acrophobia and claustrophobia, arachnophobia....a lot of phobias...
  • I used to write English lyrics to non-English songs. It paid off when I had to do a project for school, but now I stopped. Huh.
  • My heart isn't on my sleeve; its in my pocket sticking out.
  • Needs to lower expectations and come down from the clouds.
  • I want to find Paris<3
  • I took piano lessons from second grade to the beginning of tenth grade, but I still can't do anything awesome on it. A certain event in eleventh grade made me want to give up piano forever, but I just keep going back to it.
  • Dancing when nobody is looking.
  • Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton. nuff said.
  • (okay fine. pokemon, zelda, kingdom hearts, harvest moon, and yes, picross.)
  • I like being in the kitchen. shut up stereotypes.
  • I have yet to fulfill my goal of folding 1000 cranes.
  • I want to break eternities<3
nov 19 2010 ∞
jun 2 2014 +