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mostly serves as my fanfic reading/rec list now.
mostly exo fics because there is no end to them.
but also fics from other fandoms (anime + hp + soompi fics of yonder).

personal posts are in ongoing.

listography NEW NEWS
  • For The Love of Trees ☆ by Drainbamage954
    • g; Chanyeol is a tree, which is slightly problematic concerning the area in which hugs are given. Which is why, to the depths of his bark, he wants to be human.
  • Chanyeol Park and the Child of Gaea ♥ by hyperlydian
    • pg-15; percy jackson!AU. Kyungsoo would much rather spend most of his summer elbow deep in the engine of his ’69 Charger than travel across the country to slay a monster, but he's never been very good at denying Chanyeol anything.
  • you've always hated my writing ♥ by vanicola
    • pg-13; writer chanyeol writes something to his boyfriend kyungsoo.
  • fool for love by gdgdbaby
    • pg-13, slice of life/romance; college!AU. chanyeol never thought he'd be the type to read cosmo cover to cover, but here he is.
  • 5 minute bagel runs by ilkhjoong
    • pg-13; flower boy next door!AU. in which kyungsoo is a mute, reclusive, stay-at-home editor. enter park chanyeol, professional gamer, holder of many odd world records.
  • if you'll be my strawberry bubblegum by boss
    • predebut!AU. “This is so annoying, I mean, I know what your farts smell like, for Pete’s sake. Kissing you should be easy.” / “Idiot, don’t talk about my farts right when I’m about to kiss you! No wonder you’re terrible at this!”
  • wild rock bands i have known by nerveless
    • pg-13; record store!AU. Kyungsoo is working at a music store with a tyrannical boss and possibly (probably) insane co-workers when a boy and his band decide to break the monotony of his day.
  • i just wanna rock (you all night long) by nerveless
    • pg-13; record store!AU. Sequel. The day before the benefit concert, Jongin disappears, Kris tries not to kill everybody and Kyungsoo wishes desperately, not for the first time, he could have any job other than his own.
  • Fragaria Ananassa by yeolie
    • r; Kyungsoo has a greenhouse. Kyungsoo loves his greenhouse. Each plant housed in said greenhouse is treated with love and care everyday
  • no shame in my game by modelpress
    • pg-13; there are several things do kyungsoo hates about working at disneyland
  • With your presence, and your grace by yeolliepopday
    • pg-13; Chanyeol quits his job and ends up bagging groceries at the local supermarket, where he slowly becomes affiliated with a wandering insomniac.
jun 24 2014 ∞
apr 24 2015 +