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mostly serves as my fanfic reading/rec list now.
mostly exo fics because there is no end to them.
but also fics from other fandoms (anime + hp + soompi fics of yonder).

personal posts are in ongoing.

listography NEW NEWS
  • something silly by rubyls
    • pg-13, fluff; it's jongdae fault. (jongin really owes him a meal.)
  • conventional waiting by aurics
    • g, fluff
  • The Two Times that Baekhyun Falls In Love by airplanewishes
    • pg
  • tell them by akaanee
    • pg, angst; Time goes on in slow motion for the broken-hearted, each drag of the second hand splitting cracks on already broken pavements, tearing holes in already fallen skies.
  • weltschmerz by veepzing
    • pg, angst; Jongin falls for Baekhyun fast, and when he falls, he falls hard, hard enough to leave a bruise that will last for a lifetime.
  • slow dancing by fallacied
    • g
  • where the heart is by gdgdbaby
    • pg-13; bakery!AU. the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. or: baekhyun's not so into cakes, but he's really into the guy who helps sell the cakes.
  • forever hold your peace by astrou
    • g; let's agree to be happy in our individual ways.
  • here i am, leaving you clues by gdgdbaby
    • nc-17; hitman!AU.
  • metanoia ♥ by veepzing
    • pg-13; baekhyun has been dreaming about falling for a long time when he receives a strange book and is forced to wake up and start to live again.
  • shadow games by hyperlydian
    • r, horror; when he was a kid, jongin was afraid of his own shadow, but he knows better now.
  • (holy!) guacamole by jigyum
    • g; fruit!AU. kai is an avocado who pines over a lovely little tomato.
  • Catch Me by mearii87
    • r; mama!AU. Kai is the most wanted criminal in the world. Changmin is the NIS agent dedicated to stopping him, but as a teleporter, Kai isn’t easy to catch. He can’t be caught, and won’t be because underneath the guise of bank robber and jewel thief, Kai is desperately searching for one final person to complete a circle of Twelve that will finally set their broken world right.
  • more human than human by gdgdbaby
    • pg-13; blade runner/mama!AU.
jul 14 2014 ∞
jul 21 2014 +