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mostly serves as my fanfic reading/rec list now.
mostly exo fics because there is no end to them.
but also fics from other fandoms (anime + hp + soompi fics of yonder).

personal posts are in ongoing.

listography NEW NEWS
  • File 32: Murder at the Sunset Mansion ☆ by chiharu
    • pg; detective conan!AU. College detective Kris Wu goes on vacation with his childhood friend Zhang Yixing, but murders just seem to follow him everywhere he goes.
  • As They Should Be by airplanewishes
    • g, romance/friendship; Yixing continues to sing even after EXO stops being EXO and Yixing stops being Lay.
  • How to Become Tumblr Famous by chens
    • pg; Yixing finally makes a tumblr account and Jongin, Luhan, Tao, and Minseok give him tips on how to be famous.
  • Pros and Cons of Being Tumblr Famous by chens
    • pg-13; Yixing finally becomes Tumblr famous after becoming Kris's boyfriend but there are some pros and cons involved.
  • daybreak by seeeno
    • pg, crack; "of three things i was absolutely certain."
  • The Search for a Fairytale Romance by xiaoqingxin
    • pg-13, romance; Yixing has his heart broken so often he doesn’t realise what he needs is the person standing right in front of him all this while.
  • Sequined Skirts by adorableprince
    • pg-13, romance/humor; Yixing had no idea being a sailor scout would be so itchy.
  • 48 Hours trans. by heecups
    • "after 48 hours, only one boy will be alive in this house"
  • getting layd by uberchrome
    • pg-13, fluff; falling in love with yixing isn't logical.
  • the blanket abandoner by llaynicorn
    • pg; This wasn't exactly the first time Yixing had curled himself into a cocoon of blankets and pillows, like an overgrown, but cute, caterpillar. …But it was the first time he'd taken Kris' blankets too.
  • secret agenting for dummies by teastallpanda
    • pg-13; It's sad, really, that he had to go and fall for someone with the observation skills of a laundry basket. To be fair, though, he didn't really know when he fell that Yifan's pretty oblivious. He fell for the deep voice and the tall frame and the sharp eyes and the cheekbones that could cut glass. And oh, the blonde hair. The blonde hair is very important. Also the fact that Yifan, apart from being really stupid, is perfect. Absolutely perfect. The most perfect being Yixing has ever come across in his miserable life.
  • over my head by onyu
    • pg; Yixing saves Kris' ass on certain occasions. Kris returns the favor.
  • take a ride on my broomstick
    • g; harrypotter!au. Wu Fan is the captain of the Chinese National Quidditch Team. Yixing is his biggest fan.
jun 23 2014 ∞
apr 23 2015 +