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mostly serves as my fanfic reading/rec list now.
mostly exo fics because there is no end to them.
but also fics from other fandoms (anime + hp + soompi fics of yonder).

personal posts are in ongoing.

listography NEW NEWS
  • dérive by leionai (kyungsoo)
    • pg, angst; It’s funny. How darkness aids us in seeing the true beauty in everything. When darkness hides them we long for them, yet in light, we disregard them.
  • Aokigahara ☆ by saitheisonfire (kyungsoo)
    • r, angst/drama; kyungsoo, a korean writer travels to the sea of trees, at the base of mt.fuji
  • despicably good ☆ by rubyls (sehun)
    • g, gen/crack; despicable me!au. wicked is the new black. brought to you by our star villain, Oh Sehun and his minion squad, and everyone's favourite Jongdae.
  • The Angels Never Arrived (But I Can Hear The Choir) by lunathunderhead (sehun)
    • pg; graduation!canon. "And so I'll conclude with a line from a very popular song that you all probably know: tonight, you are young, so set the world on fire, you can burn brighter than the sun."
  • Kill me, from the inside out by baekhannies (jongdae)
    • pg-13; Jongdae loves his crayons.
  • Tributaries by Scheherazade (kris)
    • g; Where land and water meets, promises are made and lies broken. Two people and the narrative of innocence along the path which leads towards the ocean.
  • 下一页的我 by halcyondusk (kris)
    • pg-13; Li Jiaheng, Kevin Li, Wu Yi Fan, Kris Wu—they’re not sure who he is, and neither is he.
  • MISSION {TRUST-ME} by halcyondusk (kris)
    • pg-15; canon/spy!AU. Kris comes to grips with what it means to be the leader of EXO and reconsiders old bonds. Alternatively, Kris is part of a spy organisation and he wants out.
  • the steps in between (and the lessons learnt) by halcyondusk (yixing)
    • pg; Every story has a beginning and an ending. Strictly speaking, this story begins with a meeting, and ends on a stage. Zhang Yixing's story, though, doesn't.
  • Fastrack by lunathunderhead (jongin)
    • pg; We can give you a new body. A new voice. You’ll miss your parents, and the sun--but you could dance, for the whole world to see.
  • ice cream shenanigans by rubyls (sehun)
    • g, crack; kid!au.
  • Nyctophobia by thecafewriter (jongin)
    • pg; oc!fic. When the usual security guard gets promoted, Se Rim ends up asking the new guy to walk her to her car when it gets too dark. On the way, Jongin teaches her a thing or two about overcoming fear and finding the light in the darkness.
  • you can touch me, here by coaled (luhan)
    • pg; AU.
  • In A Few Days by sparklepox (joonmyun)
    • pg; kid!Minseok, Jongdae and Jongin. Junmyeon finds the Kim brothers, Minseok, Jongdae and Jongin, on his doorstep and agrees to look after them for just a few days.
  • The name of the months by whoswaymyway (joonmyun)
    • pg-13, angst; Kim Joonmyeon is January.
  • Furry Little Problem by thesockmonster (jongdae)
    • g; Jongdae wakes up as a cat. Literally.
  • you've got mail by hachannie (kyungsoo)
  • change me by alaeaureae (yixing)
    • they give him a chance to be famous. he takes it.
  • Take a Hit for the Team by hotarumyst (luhan)
    • pg-13; Lu Han ages both forward and backward, bearing sacrifice for success.
  • 独生子; Only Son by chiharu (kris)
    • g; Kris tries to grasp what it means to be a leader, an idol, and a son. Leadership doesn't come naturally, but friendship and camaraderie do.
  • spoiled & rotten by fumerie
    • in which Kai learns to be the new golden child of SME.
  • the pantsing chronicles of park chanyeol by zitaos (chanyeol)
    • pg; pantsing: to yank someone else's pants down, usually done in a humorous (or scientific) fashion
  • West Winds ♥ by lunathunderhead (zitao)
    • pg-13, gen; journey to the west!AU. There was a boy born from a stone, who shook all the heavens and terrified all the lords of hell.
  • Stranger in a Strange Land by chiharu (jongdae)
    • g; Jongdae thinks his bandmates have gotten even odder in China.
  • The Person Who Once Loved Me by prettysinggg (jongin)
    • oc!fic.
  • mission: gangnam style by astrou (baekhyun)
    • pg; the number one aspiration for byun baekhyun is to be gangnam style.
  • the life and times of park chanyeol by astrou (chanyeol)
    • pg; park chanyeol is not just a happy virus.
  • 你值得真正的快樂 by feiling (luhan)
    • pg-13; Six months before the 2010 Winter Olympics, Lu Han is sent to Vancouver on a forced vacation and learns that he’s not quite as put together as he’d like everyone to think.
  • the end of this shared history by windowright (jongin)
    • r; hunger games/MAMA!AU Jongin is waiting for the odds to be in his favor.
  • The Underwear in the Envelope by thecafewriter (chanyeol)
    • oc!fic. When Chanyeol discovers an indiscreet package in the mailroom, he confronts his girlfriend about how her underwear ended up in the postal service.
  • some hearts by feiling (kris)
    • pg, gen; five times Wufan held it all in and one time he let go
  • broken wings by nileyna (joonmyun)
    • pg, angst
  • Migratory Patterns by chiharu (luhan)
    • g; What Lu Han has his eyes on is a dream; a dream that leads him back to the beginning of beginnings.
  • The Implications of Telepathy ☆ by hotarumyst (kyungsoo)
    • r; As Kyungsoo develops the power to read others, he loses himself slowly in thought.
  • Crevices: Refrain of a Soul by coppertears (baekhyun)
    • pg-13; He finds him in between the folds of reality.
  • Taciturn by sardothien (jongdae)
    • pg; Because, really, that was all he could do.
  • fireflies by vanicola (kris)
    • g; you are here.
  • Today You're a King But Tomorrow, Get Your Ass Up By Yourself by chiharu (jongin)
    • pg; Kai is put on bedrest on EXO's day off.
  • Poison (jongin) by krismebaobei
    • oc!fic.
  • this shit is onyxceptable by vvipforseungri (jongdae)
    • Jongdae is going to be the best Pokemon trainer in the world! But then he meets Do Kyungsoo.
  • sparks by miook
    • pg; There’s a new performer in town, and rumor has it he’s after Kyungsoo’s title.
  • jongdae kim and the case of the purloined poodle by gdgdbaby & michaelwesten
    • pg-13; Your local small town high school isn't exactly a hub of crime, but Jongdae and his friends get by.
  • 04:01 by flightlesswish
    • pg
  • i don't want to get over (you don't even remember) us by windowright
    • pg; For Junmyeon, forgetting is the hardest part.
  • Swing Batter Batter Swing by loudestoflove (kyungsoo)
    • pg; Kyungsoo’s friends aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t reap the rewards of this bet.
  • The children upstairs by beloniika (jongdae)
    • pg-13; Home alone after an injury, Jongdae decides to be a good neighbor and offer his leftover pizza to the family upstairs.
  • I'll Be There For You by fopsyche94 (kyungsoo)
    • g; parentkid!au. Kyungsoo might have not always been around, but he is always there for the boys.
  • The Tragic Adventures of Huang Zitao at Zhang Liyin's Showcase by naladot (zitao; side of chenyin)
    • Tao gets stuck going to Liyin’s showcase. No, the Chenyin showcase. God, he really hates his life.
jun 23 2014 ∞
sep 13 2016 +