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mostly serves as my fanfic reading/rec list now.
mostly exo fics because there is no end to them.
but also fics from other fandoms (anime + hp + soompi fics of yonder).

personal posts are in ongoing.

listography NEW NEWS


  • tired and wired (we ruin too easy) ♥♥♥ by teastallpanda
    • nc-17; dystopia!AU. 'We do not have to save the world,' he says, looking around at the others. 'We only have to, as my friend here so crudely put it, save our own asses, for fuck's sake.'
  • kinder!EXO series ♥ by onlaymon
  • tale as old as time by the_maknae
    • pg, crack; disney!AU. In which I fail to do justice to 3 Disney classics.
  • song as old as rhyme by the_maknae
    • pg, crack; disney!AU. part 2.
  • Pop, Six, Squish (Cicero, Lipschitz) by lunathunderhead
    • pg-13; He had it coming. He had it coming all along.
  • Material Girl by black_goose
    • pg; nyc!AU. For most of his life, Lu Han had belonged to a certain subgroup of society, which Minseok referred to as “the extremely well-off” and which Sehun called “a bunch of rich fucks being twits”.
  • Dead Heart ♥ by iridae
    • pg-15; zombie!AU. Your heart should have stopped beating a long time ago, yet here it is aching for another.
  • 以后 by deasyellow
    • this is what happens after.
  • Superhero drabbles by albireon
  • we are one by xxbbq
    • g, gen; in a group of twelve different boys, friendship means everything to them more than anything in the world.
  • As love washes you ashore by d_ecrease
    • pg-13; parents!AU. They're all parents and having kids are kinda tough sometimes.
  • tell me you're not miserable ♥ by black_goose
    • pg-13; delinquent!AU. There are two high schools that serve the town Kris lives in: K High, which serves the well-to-do area of town, and M High, where the rest of the kids are shipped off to. In an attempt at fixing the problems at M High, the school administration decides to pilot a scheme where some of the K High students are transferred in. Kris didn’t think that the school administration had really thought this plan through remarkably well.
  • These Shattered Worlds ♥ by mearii87
    • pg-13; mama!AU. Baekhyun’s dreamt of getting onto the Dragon Ship his whole life, though he’s unprepared for what he finds on it: eleven other elemental manipulators preparing for the Melding. He’s never really considered the meaning of the Eclipses, but confronted by a Captain that desperately needs his light manipulating skills, Baekhyun finds the worlds he knows slowly coming to an end and the only hope to save them the Dragon Ship, its crew, and a mysterious time lord with a room full of butterflies.
  • oh but friendship never lasts by veepzing
    • pg; in baekhyun’s life, best friends are variables that keep changing, coming and leaving.
  • Poor Unfortunate Souls by iridae
    • pg; Nothing is broken or forgotten, that's the deal.


  • Ruined and Defeated by adorableprince (krislayhan)
    • pg-13; Luhan and Yixing are out to ruin Kris' life.
  • What Happens in Vegas by vaxylia (lubaeksoo)
    • g; In which three boys embark on a poorly-planned road trip -- armed with nothing more than a car, a stolen credit card, Lu Han's driving skills, Kyungsoo's sarcasm and Baekhyun's wit
  • Friday Night (Turn Down For What) by lunathunderhead (sekaistal)
    • pg-13; mall!AU. Sehun gets dared, Jongin experiments, and Krystal kicks two asses.
  • You Just Gotta Ignite the Light (And Let It Shine) by lunathunderhead (sekaistal)
    • pg-13; mall!AU. Sehun has a crisis and receives professional counseling from a skater and a scene girl.
  • I’m Just a Holy Fool (Oh Baby, He’s So Cruel) by lunathunderhead (sekaihan)
    • pg-13; mall!AU. Jongin needs a shoulder to cry on and he gets it in the form of the hipster in pajamas.
  • if on a shanghai afternoon two writers by windowright (laykristao)
    • pg; modern chinese novelist!AU. As China's most popular and most charming young novelist, Zhang Yixing is living the life of his dreams. That is, until his editor and longtime best friend Kris Wu is assigned to Huang Zitao, EXO Entertainment's newest young author—and Yixing's biggest online anti.
  • Byun Baek's Magical Adventure by kaihanbitches (krischanbaek)
    • pg-13; Baekhyun's a 22 year old with a deadbeat job as a magician's assistant. He just wants a taste of real magic--and so he gets it.
  • The Spirit of Adventure by madelyn93 (kaibaekyeol)
    • pg; up!AU
jun 24 2014 ∞
jan 15 2019 +