list icon
  • the color blue
  • people who need to be drunk to have fun
  • coconut
  • Miley Cyrus
  • brussels sprouts
  • Homegirls/Bro-ho's
  • tequila
  • having my name pronounced as Figeroa (it's Figueras)
  • sororities/frats
  • football (american)
  • "muffin top" from pants
  • Katy Perry
  • being in NYC for more than 7 days at a time
  • people who start convo's in gym locker rooms
  • crocs, croc butter
  • mousey voices on adult women
  • scary video games
  • sneezing
  • people who mumble
  • too much make-up
  • condescending tones
  • people who lack remorse
  • overgrown fingernails (needing a fill)
  • dwellers
  • moldy applesauce
  • vampire superfans
  • Twilight
  • snobby customers
  • vintage clothes that smell like old cigarettes
  • finding holes in t-shirts
  • viral accessibility (love/hate relationship)
apr 27 2009 ∞
apr 24 2011 +