• the date i first became a bana / gongchan's first birthday as a member of B1A4


    • the first time i saw bipo in person. middle section of pit and i also got hi-touch with all the members. i interlocked hands with gongchan (he initiated it first i still cry about this honestly)


    • i made bana friends for the first time in 4 years because i decided to do sync streams and we all became good friends and now i have a buncha lovely bana friends whom i love a lot with all my heart bana tlist is the best


    • received my bana 3rd package which i paid for like 2 days before. finally am an official bana after 4 years of wanting this !!


    • found out misorena got me lotsa cute things ESPECIALLY THE SIGNED SWEET GIRL ALBUM AND IT CAME WITH CHAN ABS PHOTO CARD THE AMOUNT OF SIN i lvoe them
sep 3 2015 ∞
mar 8 2016 +