• at newark airport while new york city's skyline in the front, a super blood moon occuring (one of the most impressive things i got to witness in my life)
  • old guy blowing a kiss to his wife(?) at the window from his car every single morning before leaving for work
  • at 7:40 in the morning while going to the metro to go to school seeing a guy down at an escalator snorting cocaine, credit card style
  • in new york city, while driving from JFK airport to manhattan, at a highway next to us seeing a bunch of motorcyclist cycling without a helmet, on one wheel, probably 10 of them, no one seemed to be bothered
  • morning/midday after new years eve in the fresh year of 2014 on my way home while looking out of the train seeing, in a forest, one guy giving another guy a blowjob (if i remember correctly they were both wearing suits)
may 6 2016 ∞
may 11 2016 +